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Author Topic: "Come On Down!" notes/errata?  (Read 1458 times)

That Don Guy

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"Come On Down!" notes/errata?
« on: October 06, 2007, 02:31:46 PM »
Anybody else notice a few things about the new "Come On Down!" book (besides what was in that closed thread, that is)?  Here's what I saw:
(Assume all comments refer to the CBS daytime version unless otherwise noted)
    [*]At least two people have missed a showcase on the daytime version by one dollar.  The two I am sure about had the contestants go over by a dollar, but I want to say there was someone who was under by one dollar as well.

    [*]A number of "microlight" aircraft have been given away; the "one airplane" mentioned must refer to the "license required" one (it was either a Piper or a Cessna) that was won during one of the early-1980s Christmas Eve showcases.  (They even threw in 100 hours of flight instruction.)  The Dennis James version had those aircraft - and actual train cars, for that matter (a showcase prize was a trip to San Francisco in which the winner took a train home and got to "keep the train", although it was never clear exactly what the train was) - as prizes in the first couple of years.

    [*]What's with the "There have been more than 72 shows in which all games were won/lost" comments?  Am I missing an inside joke of some sort?

    [*]They didn't "forget about the tied showcase"; that was on the Dennis James version.  (The "on the nose" showcase, on the other hand, was on a Barker show.)

    [*]I remember a couple of "Come On Down" incidents that weren't mentioned; in at least one case, nobody came down, and they just ended up calling another name; in another, two people with the same name came down - and the one they didn't want stuck her tongue out at Bob.  (Despite this, they decided to give her the "contestants not appearing on stage" parting gifts.)

    [*]Any games missing on the Page 60 list of retired games besides "Time is Money" and (for lack of a better name for it) "Original (One-Player) Bullseye"?
    -- Don


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    "Come On Down!" notes/errata?
    « Reply #1 on: October 06, 2007, 04:17:23 PM »
    Let's keep this one on topic, please.

    Steve Gavazzi

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    "Come On Down!" notes/errata?
    « Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 06:52:10 PM »
    One of my friends showed me the list of retired games, and I want to say that Hurdles was missing from it.  It did, however, include Check-Out, which is not retired, and "Masterpiece," which was a name used in the planning stages of Gallery Game.

    That Don Guy

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    "Come On Down!" notes/errata?
    « Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 03:16:02 PM »
    [quote name=\'That Don Guy\' post=\'165720\' date=\'Oct 6 2007, 11:31 AM\']
    Anybody else notice a few things about the new "Come On Down!" book (besides what was in that closed thread, that is)?  Here's what I saw:
    ...I remember a couple of "Come On Down" incidents that weren't mentioned; in at least one case, nobody came down, and they just ended up calling another name; in another, two people with the same name came down - and the one they didn't want stuck her tongue out at Bob.  (Despite this, they decided to give her the "contestants not appearing on stage" parting gifts.)[/quote]
    My bad - the book does, in fact, cover both of these situations, and apparently they were both quite frequent.  (Well, maybe not the "sticking out the tongue" part.)

    -- Don