I'll tend to switch to it once in a while, mostly to see if Shandi's on, because eye candy is eye candy. I hadn't seen in in a couple of weeks, but I saw it last night (before I saw this thread) and was perplexed. One, because I didn't recognize the redhead who was hosting. Two, because she was just sitting there. I don't just mean she wasn't moving back and forth across the studio, that show' vertigo-inducing trademark, I mean she was just sitting and not saying anything. She just stared at the camera for what felt like thirty seconds (was probably less, but still). She finally mumbled something inane about the puzzle, and then just stared some more. Never smiled, and I'm not sure she blinked. Frankly, a little creepy. They finally put up a FIVE minute clock (I had only seen the three-minute one up to now), and I gave up on it. Anybody know who she is?