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Author Topic: Your thoughts on DREW, please.  (Read 24397 times)


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2007, 01:26:07 AM »
I think he's done pretty well myself..he just needs time to get really familiar with the games and get comfortable in the role. He'll have ups and downs (especially since the episodes are going to be shown out of order), but once he gets, say, about half a season under his belt, I think he'll settle in nicely. With rumors that Guiding Light and/or Young and the Restless might be asked to make signifigant cost reductions or even be axed entirely, that sort of helps TPIR in a way, as it gives Drew and the gang time. I wouldn't worry about ratings just yet- I think CBS will give it two or three seasons before making any major announcements about the shows future.

Robert Hutchinson

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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2007, 01:26:08 AM »
I don't really mind the mandatory shout-outs while the wheel is spinning, except for something that Drew has no control over--Mr. Director, when the wheel is about to stop, CUT TO IT. I don't care if Thomas hasn't finished naming his golfing partners yet.
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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2007, 01:26:24 AM »
[quote name=\'Robert Hutchinson\' post=\'167505\' date=\'Oct 20 2007, 10:13 PM\']
And I have to say, I have a great appreciation of everything he's done to not make the models seem like second-tier participants in the events. Mentioning their names repeatedly has come up, but I can think of at least three other great moments: 1) saying in all seriousness that the model was helping him keep track of the order of punches on the Punchboard, 2) complimenting a dance that "accompanied" a trip to Scotland, and 3) the self-conscious poke about a model "going snowboarding in high heels and no pants".[/quote]

Excellent point. I've really enjoyed the increased interaction with them, like we used to have with Holly and Dian etc, when we got to hear them speak a lot, etc.

And not just in an eye candy manner. More interaction makes them more interesting, turns them into actual components of the show, instead of just being a pretty face waving a hand in front of a dishwasher. Made them much more attractive too, still lust after Holly after all these years. :)

Definitely a big improvement.

Adam Nedeff

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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2007, 01:32:22 AM »
I like Drew, I like how sincere he is, I like that he obviously cares about doing well, I like the fact that he seems to be trying to turn the models into a part of an on-air "family" like the good old days, and I like that we're hearing rules to pricing games explained again. (Toward the end, it would get on my nerves when Bob would just hand a contestant seven dollars and say "Give us the second number." Yes, Bob, and...?)


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2007, 02:04:55 AM »
I wouldn't have been able to watch the new episodes had CBS not put them online.  So MAJOR POINTS to CBS for the move...

I think Drew is doing a fine job so far.  He's doing a great job making sure the contestant is the star... and I truly love that laugh!


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2007, 03:12:16 AM »
I like that we're hearing rules to pricing games explained again. (Toward the end, it would get on my nerves when Bob would just hand a contestant seven dollars and say "Give us the second number." Yes, Bob, and...?)

One thing I was discussing with my mom (who has not seen Drew's hosting yet; she picks The View over TPIR...shame!) was this exact thing, and she brought up that one of the things that annoyed her the most about Bob was when somebody didn't remember how to play a particularly well-known game like "Check Game" or "Ten Chances," and he'd make some snide comment about how the person must not be a true fan of the show.  I agreed with her, and am very glad Drew's not doing it...yet, anyway...:)

I'll say that I, too, am really liking Drew's hosting thus far.  He's funny, seems to really care about the contestants, and looks like he's having a great time.  Any of my complaints are just things that I'd expect any new host to make, and I'm sure he'll fix them over time, like the super-quick throws to commercial even after a big win and the cliche comments after coming back from a commercial break (though I do laugh when he says, "I hope you enjoyed your trip to the bathroom or the fridge," basically acknowledging that most of us aren't seeing Wilford Brimley telling us to check our blood sugar and check it often!).

As far as him building suspense goes, I LOVE that he's not doing the whole "I'm going to fake like I'll reveal this and stop midway five times" like Bob did, but I do think that, for big-prize reveals, he could stand to drag it out just a tad, time permitting.  That being said, though, I thought the way he handled Punch-a-Bunch on yesterday's show was perfect.

I look forward to seeing Drew improve over time and really make the show his own.  I've enjoyed watching the show this week probably more than I have in a long time, and I, too, must thank CBS for putting the episodes up online...it's great for a busy grad student like myself...:).

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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2007, 03:46:38 AM »
[quote name=\'beatlefreak84\' post=\'167518\' date=\'Oct 21 2007, 12:12 AM\']
That being said, though, I thought the way he handled Punch-a-Bunch on yesterday's show was perfect.
The ONLY knock I had on that was that he showed the audience the card before the player ever got to see it, which could have ended badly if the player thinks "oh, the crowd popped, I must have won the $10,000! Oh, only $5,000? Wow, great." Ended up working out, but it seems to me the audience should feed from the player, not the other way around.

Other'n that, I thought yesterday's was his best show yet. I am really truly enjoying watching him have fun at his new job.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2007, 04:02:44 AM »
I wasn't thrilled when I heard Drew was chosen to host because I wasn't sure if he'd fit into this type of format.  I was a big fan of his with Who's Line.. but something with a rigid format might be a bit much.  I started to soften up when I saw all the previews and interviews because it was showing about how much he was enjoying himself and was taking the show as serious as he could but still keep it fun.  I'll always be a huge Barker fan but you could tell he was just not happy being on stage anymore.  Body language gave it away.  From this first week Drew has shown he's thrilled to be there, lend his own way of interaction, and relates to the contestants like Bob hasn't done in quite a long time.  Everyone has just about summed it up best about Drew's hosting style and I won't rehash them but what won me over is when on Friday's show someone did the whole $1 over bid in Contestant's Row and Drew said, "Way to make friends down there."  I hadn't had that good of a laugh over a comment in some time.  Drew and TPIR are going to be fine.


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2007, 10:26:31 AM »
I don't know, I still feel that if they'd have hired Todd Newton, they'd have a host who's funny and everything but also more polished, taller, and with better eyesight. I really enjoy him on the DVD home game. I'm sure he'd do the showcase reveals better.


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2007, 10:32:09 AM »
I was just kidding. Not that he worried about it, but Bob retired at an auspicious time, since ratings were still good and they were able to get a really good guy to take his place.


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2007, 10:34:15 AM »
It has simply been a pleasure to watch the first week of shows with Drew at the helm.  I had no idea how much better the show could be simply with a change of host.  

Personally, I hope Drew continues his remarks about Hot Pockets and silverware, and all that.  Let Drew be himself-his easygoing nature and sincerity is a refreshing change.

Now the *real* question-how are the ratings?


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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2007, 03:04:32 PM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'167478\' date=\'Oct 20 2007, 09:19 PM\']
Right. I wanted to make sure that you were just setting up the rules, is all. Frankly, I thought that anyone who opens with "Your thoughts on DREW, please" knows what's what. So, turnabout's fair play; where are you on the spectrum?
For an "average viewer's first week" of work, he good.  Real good.  He know how to let the stars of the show (the contestants, prizes, and Yodelman) be the stars of the show.  Drew's almost a gatekeeper in a sense...just there to keep explain everything and get from point A to point B (and not let his ego run the show).  And do it with class.

I fall with what will be probably the most common description:  Drew Gets It and the show and him gel very well.
When you're at the grocery game and you hear the beep, think of all the fun you could have at "Crazy Rachel's Checkout Counter!"

Ian Wallis

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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2007, 04:01:14 PM »
I watched every show this week (except for Wednesday's half-show pre-emption) and thoroughly enjoyed them.  I don't think I'd actually watched the show more than once in any week for years.  Part of it was probably curiousity over how Drew would handle the job, but I like the new theme music and the fact that everyone does seem to be having much more fun.  He's still a little rough around the edges, due some things previous posters have already mentioned, but that will improve in time.

My prediction:  this show will keep its strong ratings and the lineups will start at midnight again.

I just hope Drew keeps the same frame of mind that he has now.  Bob seemed like a nice guy in the beginning too...

Everyone has just about summed it up best about Drew's hosting style and I won't rehash them but what won me over is when on Friday's show someone did the whole $1 over bid in Contestant's Row and Drew said, "Way to make friends down there." I hadn't had that good of a laugh over a comment in some time. Drew and TPIR are going to be fine.

Personally, I understand why it was said, but that's part of the strategy of the game.  You do what you have to do to get up on stage.
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Jimmy Owen

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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2007, 04:03:41 PM »
Drew is doing a great job with the show.  His joie de vivre makes the show fun to watch.  CBS and Fremantle made the right choice.
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Joe Mello

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Your thoughts on DREW, please.
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2007, 05:20:24 PM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'167478\' date=\'Oct 20 2007, 09:19 PM\']Frankly, I thought that anyone who opens with "Your thoughts on DREW, please" knows what's what.[/quote]
I thought the thread title was a reference to the fanb0ardz, personally.  The joke was used before, was it not?

Anyway, I put him in the B range.  He's decent and will find his stride soon enough, but he needs to do something other than speed through the segments in which he has little to do or doesn't deem as "fun."

I think "they" are enjoying the show, too, in spite of themselves.  A lot of the "Things Drew Does But Bob Didn't" are still things Bob did, even as recent as last season (eg mocking the one-bids+supplies of__ combinations) and god forbid we have a host who emits energy.
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