[quote name=\'Brakus\' post=\'167734\' date=\'Oct 24 2007, 01:35 AM\']
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'167732\' date=\'Oct 24 2007, 12:31 AM\']
[quote name=\'TheLastResort\' post=\'167730\' date=\'Oct 24 2007, 12:11 AM\']
Fremantle owns the show, do they not? They could make the argument that the images are theirs to begin with. Not that I'm taking their side. It was extremely lazy and unprofessional.
Thing is, if Fremantle owns the show, why can't they delve into their own library and cherrypick? To use a fansite's pics, without Brad's permission is very unprofessional. Keeping the GSN logo on the pics makes it look even more so. [/quote]
Uh, Fremantle can do whatever the hell they want with those TPiR clips that Brad made. It is their property to begin with. End of story.
You, not surprisingly, missed my point to throw in your typical underhanded snark. And honestly, I should ignore the condescending tone you put on your post, bold-facing your comment as if I don't GET IT, and then adding "end of story" up there as if your opinion is the be-all to end-all. But, I'll address your comment anyways.
I'm not defending either person's actions, or taking sides, or even suggesting Brad sue Fremantle. Yes, it is Fremantle's show, and yes, they could very well send Brad a C&D. However, the point I made (which you so conveniently ignored to once again to show how you're so superior to everyone here) is that when you own the show, just use your own clips, if for nothing else, to look professional? Yeah, they could do "whatever the hell they want", but when it comes to making an official website, I'd think they'd like to actually use first-generation clips from their library (possibly in better condition), and not something recorded from a third-tier cable channel. And it's not like any of the games are retired. How hard would it have been to find episodes from the previous season, and possibly even some of the ones Drew already recorded?
Now you see where I'm coming from? Or does that still make me some sort of otaku?