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Author Topic: Fremantle's Price is Right site  (Read 15586 times)


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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #60 on: October 25, 2007, 03:00:21 PM »
[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'167891\' date=\'Oct 25 2007, 11:33 AM\']
EDIT:  Who wants to bet they now slap a C&D order on Brad's site?
They'd be foolish to, considering they are, at this moment, guilty of plagarism.

Now, if they change the text and THEN do it, that I could see happening.

Personally, I see this continuing as a detente issue. TPiR isn't gonna bother to take the time and manpower to change the text, and Brad now has de facto permission to keep his site up.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #61 on: October 25, 2007, 09:33:00 PM »
[quote name=\'Brakus\' post=\'167734\' date=\'Oct 23 2007, 10:35 PM\']Uh, Fremantle can do whatever the hell they want with those TPiR clips that Brad made. It is their property to begin with. End of story.[/quote] When did you become an intellectual property lawyer, Jeremy?

Frankly, I trust the 'Pedia in cases of law more so than game shows, so I give you:
Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review

/and I don't play one on TV, either.

Brad should be so lucky that he's gotten a free pass from them for so long. They could always go the route that Sony did and issue the all-powerful cease-and-desist order, and we all know nobody wants that.
I don't know the answer myself, not being an IP attorney myself, but it seems like Fremantle et al. would stand to lose face if any legal action went public. (I sure hope Brad took some comparative screen grabs, for his own sake.) Especially if Brad says, "Sure, I used some pictures for a site promoting your show, but your web team was so blitheringly incompetent that they couldn't string together a coherent or original thought."
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 09:33:39 PM by TLEberle »
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #62 on: October 25, 2007, 09:59:25 PM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'167931\' date=\'Oct 25 2007, 09:33 PM\']
[quote name=\'Brakus\' post=\'167734\' date=\'Oct 23 2007, 10:35 PM\']Uh, Fremantle can do whatever the hell they want with those TPiR clips that Brad made. It is their property to begin with. End of story.[/quote] When did you become an intellectual property lawyer, Jeremy? [/quote]

There, fixed that for you.

/wouldn't it be nice if everybody had a Blackout Button


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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #63 on: October 25, 2007, 10:10:50 PM »
[quote name=\'davemackey\' post=\'167932\' date=\'Oct 25 2007, 06:59 PM\']
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'167931\' date=\'Oct 25 2007, 09:33 PM\']
[quote name=\'Brakus\' post=\'167734\' date=\'Oct 23 2007, 10:35 PM\']Uh, Fremantle can do whatever the hell they want with those TPiR clips that Brad made. It is their property to begin with. End of story.[/quote] When did you become an intellectual property lawyer, Jeremy? [/quote]

There, fixed that for you.

/wouldn't it be nice if everybody had a Blackout Button
[/quote]I'm honored. One of the Mackey Brothers Fixed it For Me.

I can now die a happy man. :)
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.

The Pyramids

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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #64 on: October 27, 2007, 09:03:06 AM »
I just dawned on me that Shane Sterling is missing from the model profiles. I haven't seen every show in the last two weeks. Has she been on any of them?


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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #65 on: October 27, 2007, 10:24:23 AM »
[quote name=\'PaulD\' post=\'168014\' date=\'Oct 27 2007, 09:03 AM\']
I just dawned on me that Shane Sterling is missing from the model profiles. I haven't seen every show in the last two weeks. Has she been on any of them?
No.  One of the models had a kid (I'm thinking it was Shane).  So it would only make sense.  Hopefully.

Steve Gavazzi, white courtesy phone, please.
When you're at the grocery game and you hear the beep, think of all the fun you could have at "Crazy Rachel's Checkout Counter!"

Steve Gavazzi

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Fremantle's Price is Right site
« Reply #66 on: October 27, 2007, 06:01:52 PM »
[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'168019\' date=\'Oct 27 2007, 10:24 AM\']
[quote name=\'PaulD\' post=\'168014\' date=\'Oct 27 2007, 09:03 AM\']
I just dawned on me that Shane Sterling is missing from the model profiles. I haven't seen every show in the last two weeks. Has she been on any of them?
No.  One of the models had a kid (I'm thinking it was Shane).  So it would only make sense.  Hopefully.

Steve Gavazzi, white courtesy phone, please.
Steve doesn't know, either.