I met and interview Chuck Woolery in Ashland, Kentucky(his hometown)which is right next door to me here in Huntington, West Virginia. They named a part of a street for him. I interviewed him for a radio station I worked for in nearby Greenup, Kentucky. He was getting ready to return to the \"All New Scrabble,\" which he said was probably \"going to be the same old crap.\"
I had Art Fleming on my radio show twice in 1979 & 1980 when he was here in Huntington to do the radio finals of \"College Bowl\" on the Marshall University campus. I got many pictures of him. He was a wonderful man. He helped critique a tape of mine from the high school quiz show I hosted called \"High Q,\" the high school version of \"College Bowl.\" I had him cut a :10 ID to use on one of my shows in 1979. He was great!
I met Pat Sajak in Columbus in 1980 when he did \"College Bowl\" on the OSU campus. I got his autograph. I told him I had driven 3 hours just to meet him. He was surprised I would drive so far. He was very kind.
I met Johnny Gilbert and got his autograph at the Million Dollar Masters Tournament at Radio City Music Hall. Again, a very kind man.
I had Soupy Sales on my radio show in 1980. We played a round of Pyramid. That was the first time he said he'd seen the home game. He said he had given away more money than any other celebrity at that time and he didn't even \"have a lousy home version of the Pyramid.\" He posed for many pictures and signed autographs.
I met game show announcer Alan Kalter at this past Labor Day's taping of Letterman. I was at the show and caught up with him outside afterwards and related that I had audio of him saying, \"This is Alan Kalter speaking for the Money Maze, a Daphne/Don Lipp Production.\" He was amazed and went on to tell me a delightful Money Maze story and thanked me for bringing back the memory. He posed for a pic with me.
I am very good friends with Chip Beall, former host of the Texaco Star National Academic Tournament in its Houston, Texas days at Channel 4 there. I have been a moderator at Chip's National Academic Tourney each year since 1988. I will be spending the Thanksgiving holiday with him and his wonderful family, now in Sandy, Utah, not too far from Chuck's Utah mansion.
My dream is to be a game show host on the national level, but being in West Virginia with lots of obligations doesn't help my dream. I was always hoping my \"connection\" with one of the aforementioned men would help. I've created 5 game shows and sent tapes of my work on \"High Q\" to all the biggies--to no avail. Not even the great Art Fleming was able to help me. I still have the dream.