Hmm... quite a bit actually.
High school - Dating Game, Family Double Dare.
University - Who wants to be a hundredaire?, Win Ben Stein's Money (both for my residence)
Teaching - for the whole school - TPIR (one bid, one PG). In my classes we've played Wheel, J!, Deal, NYSI, Feud, Pyramid, Countdown Letters (daily) and of course, that new classic, Numberwang. And as I write this, my class is writing a test where the bonus question is to write out a number, in french words, that they think is Numberwang (yes, I can get away with this!)
Outside of my normal job I've done quite a few "game show marathons". My coworker and I have presented twice a workshop called "Game Shows in The Classroom", to enlighten teachers on how to make their classrooms a much more fun place

For that we play a line up of TPIR one bid/Feud/TTD/Deal/Squares/Countdown letters/Le Cercle.
Last year I designed something for my scuba club called "Reach for the Bottom" in GSM style, using two teams. We played TPIR one bid/Feud/TTD/Wipeout/MG/Pyramid WC/J! and it went well, people really liked it... this year I'm switching out Wipeout/MG/Pyramid for Are you smarter, LMAD, and, if I can write a good board or three, NYSI.
Last month my friend's sister had a wedding shower and I got called in to host the GSM. We played TPIR one bid/Feud/J!/BAM/Pyramid WC/$ale and everyone really enjoyed it. We even had the WC beaten, which surprised the hell out of me.
Oh... and while attending school in Newfoundland, I hosted two seasons of a hybrid game show on the campus radio station. It was a mix of general trivia, a bit of word association, a bit of pass the buck, some really bad puns, and a lightning round. Season one actually saw a ToC (we gave away $100!) and an april fool's show where I played and I flat out lost. The shortened season two in the summer built in returning champs and a $ale shopping round. We had one team get within 5 points of winning the jackpot only to lose. I have kept all of the recordings, happily.
So yes... even though I teach for a living game shows are definitely part of my life!