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Author Topic: Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?  (Read 4974 times)


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2008, 03:14:40 AM »
I work at the Student Programming Center here at La Salle University (brother gotta eat, riiight?) and every so often, I bother my boss to let me put on a few game shows for our Late Night La Salle program, which has programming on Friday and Saturday nights, presumably to stop kids from drinking their livers into oblivion. The game shows that I've hosted include Wheel of Fortune (yeah, La Salle's the organization that bought pds319's sweet replica), Deal or No Deal, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader (which we changed to ...Smarter Than an R.A.), Pyramid and Family Feud. We even were so daring as to try Game Show Marathon, with Jeopardy!, Press Your Luck, and the Price is Right.

I'm always looking for better ways to stage things. I love figuring out how to turn a game show (that let you edit and cut things that do not affect the outcome of the game) into a live stage show (with slow pacing and all). It's a fun time.

The Ol' Guy

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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2008, 11:39:05 AM »
Lots. It started in Junior High, and still doing a few each year for church, Kiwanis, senior centers and the like. Lately, 1 vs 100 has been going over well because of the audience involvement, vs just passive watching. Or as we call it, 1 vs. the rest of you bums. It looks like the local access channel is open to trying a third game show, which I'm adjusting to make each program self-contained. And everbody who's on board here will vouch that it's always harder than it looks - especially when you're on the spot as judge and jury when calling plays on contestants. But fun? Yes.


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2008, 11:56:44 AM »
As the former Campus Connections Chair for Zips Programming Network, I hosted:

Akron's Price is Right (won an award for)
Survey Says (4 times)
College Bowl
What's the Big Deal? (a terrible, terrible hybrid show)
To Tell the Truth: What's her Line?

The first two are still being done on campus. I'm so proud.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 11:57:16 AM by urbanpreppie05 »
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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2008, 12:03:29 PM »
In my theater class at college, one of the groups wanted to do a game show.  I suggested "Definition", and I ended up creating the puzzles and hosting.  Round one wasn't taped because some idiot forgot to push the record button on the video camera.  Also, we learned a very important part of a show: rehearsing.  I tried to get that game onto the college TV station, but we were not successful (even though the head of station loved the game).

The other game I hosted was called Treasure Hunt (but it's based on the 80s British show).  I did five (two for college, and three for small children) in which I hosted and created all of the clues.  On one of them I got the associate Dean involved and she said it was really fun for her to see students coming into her office breathing heavily at 4PM on a Friday afternoon.  Those were a lot of fun, and hopefully I will get to another one some day.
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Joe Mello

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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2008, 12:05:35 PM »
[quote name=\'pacdude\' post=\'183955\' date=\'Apr 14 2008, 03:14 AM\']The game shows that I've hosted include Wheel of Fortune (yeah, La Salle's the organization that bought pds319's sweet replica), Deal or No Deal, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader (which we changed to ...Smarter Than an R.A.), Pyramid and Family Feud. We even were so daring as to try Game Show Marathon, with Jeopardy!, Press Your Luck, and the Price is Right. [/quote]
What happened to Countdown on the radio, since I think we discussed that before?

I haven't hosted game shows as of yet, but I've hosted and co-hosted other competitive events, and I hope to soon.  I have a couple of ideas in the tank, though, so hopefully I can get the programming knowledge and get my foot in the door at some convention somewhere.
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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2008, 01:01:28 PM »
[quote name=\'pacdude\' post=\'183955\' date=\'Apr 14 2008, 03:14 AM\'](which we changed to ...Smarter Than an R.A.)[/quote]
Man, sometimes the jokes just write themselves.
[quote name=\'Joe Mello\' post=\'183976\' date=\'Apr 14 2008, 09:05 AM\']
What happened to Countdown on the radio, since I think we discussed that before?[/quote]
Hopefully it was concluded that trying a show like that on the radio, with full half-minutes of nothing happening, is a perfectly awful idea.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2008, 01:29:42 PM »
The last show I did was Whew! back in 2003. I also did a Match Game in 2001 and Password 99, and my first Match Game in 1998 in my small living room.  I've been wanting to do another game show production, perhaps in connnection with the Independent Study I am doing at Towson. However, I am doing more work with comedy and clown. I actually pitched the idea of doing Match Game to my teacher and he seemed to like the idea. We'll see.


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2008, 01:42:42 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'183978\' date=\'Apr 14 2008, 01:01 PM\']Hopefully it was concluded that trying a show like that on the radio, with full half-minutes of nothing happening, is a perfectly awful idea.[/quote]

There were two episodes. There's a reason for that. Plus, most of my friends are stupid and bad Countdown players. If you'd like to hear how bad it went, a couple podcasts are here: http://wexpradio.com/spotlight/?cat=13


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2008, 10:45:42 AM »
As a student at Boston University, I've had some fun working at the student-run television station and hosting "What's that From," a movie trivia show.  The prizes aren't huge, but for kids on a college budget, it's not bad.  You can check it out at http://www.butv10.com/videolibrary.php?index=17.

-Rick Z


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2008, 05:01:28 PM »
Los Angeles has three major game conventions per year. I have hosted my own version of Charades and TV Trivia games for nearly twenty years. I write all the material myself.
A Cliff Saber Production
email address: alfonzos@aol.com
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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2008, 07:11:53 PM »
Close but not quite: In high school, we convinced our Spanish III instructor that we'd really immerse ourselves in the language if we could do The Hollywood Squares in Spanish.  I was supposed to be the host, but I wanted the center square instead so that's what I did.  I have this written up as a story and I should post it to my website one of these days...

Direct hit: Later in life, I hosted several different games for a social club I belonged to as the feature of their Game Night.  My favorite of these was "Name That Tune" which had some modifications, including "Name The Artist" where I would play an obscure track and challenge the contestants to figure out who was singing.  (The reaction when I played a Bryan Adams disco-like track called "Don't Ya Say It" was precious, and it stumped the panel as well.  This was back when Mr. Adams was at his peak popularity.)
George in Ellison Park, NY



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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2008, 07:29:47 PM »
Family Feud in high school.

I had a friend tape one of the shows. I watched 10 seconds of the tape and destroyed it.
QWIZX.com  -- A little bit of everything


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2008, 12:01:46 PM »
Hmm... quite a bit actually.

High school - Dating Game, Family Double Dare.

University - Who wants to be a hundredaire?, Win Ben Stein's Money (both for my residence)

Teaching - for the whole school - TPIR (one bid, one PG).  In my classes we've played Wheel, J!, Deal, NYSI, Feud, Pyramid, Countdown Letters (daily) and of course, that new classic, Numberwang.  And as I write this, my class is writing a test where the bonus question is to write out a number, in french words, that they think is Numberwang (yes, I can get away with this!)

Outside of my normal job I've done quite a few "game show marathons".  My coworker and I have presented twice a workshop called "Game Shows in The Classroom", to enlighten teachers on how to make their classrooms a much more fun place :)  For that we play a line up of TPIR one bid/Feud/TTD/Deal/Squares/Countdown letters/Le Cercle.

Last year I designed something for my scuba club called "Reach for the Bottom" in GSM style, using two teams.  We played TPIR one bid/Feud/TTD/Wipeout/MG/Pyramid WC/J! and it went well, people really liked it... this year I'm switching out Wipeout/MG/Pyramid for Are you smarter, LMAD, and, if I can write a good board or three, NYSI.  

Last month my friend's sister had a wedding shower and I got called in to host the GSM.  We played TPIR one bid/Feud/J!/BAM/Pyramid WC/$ale and everyone really enjoyed it.  We even had the WC beaten, which surprised the hell out of me.

Oh... and while attending school in Newfoundland, I hosted two seasons of a hybrid game show on the campus radio station.  It was a mix of general trivia, a bit of word association, a bit of pass the buck, some really bad puns, and a lightning round.  Season one actually saw a ToC (we gave away $100!) and an april fool's show where I played and I flat out lost.  The shortened season two in the summer built in returning champs and a $ale shopping round.  We had one team get within 5 points of winning the jackpot only to lose.  I have kept all of the recordings, happily.

So yes... even though I teach for a living game shows are definitely part of my life!


Ryan :)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 12:02:59 PM by vtown7 »


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Have you ever hosted a game in a public/live setting?
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2008, 03:53:53 PM »
Most of my last two years of college involved doing game shows...

I took it seriously too. It started as a semi-annual event, and I did shows based on set simplicity as well as playalong factor. My first show was "Match Game 2002."

Because of the success of the show, some members of student organiztaions asked if I could do a show a month the next semester, to which I immediately accepted.

I did multiple versions of "Match Game," "Family Feud," "Password Plus," and the "Pyramid." Ah, good times!

On top of that, in 2006, I did a show for my church called "Quizzical," which was my own concept but admittedly borrows elements from other shows, especially Jeopardy and $ale. I wrote the treatment and am working to see how I can make it work before I present it.

The Inquisitive One

/top prize for my show: $25,000
//you have to work for it
This is the Way.