[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'173543\' date=\'Jan 1 2008, 05:24 AM\']
(As you would expect from a channel that's been phoning it in for the last two years at least.)[/quote]
Wow...that's a really tame way to put the operations of Nick GAS.

I, without hesitation, would use "completely moronic to stay on THIS long" and "pointless". C'mon...the same *5* shows make up a channel? If that would work, I'd love to start "Game: The Network for Game Shows", only with Go, Whew, Cross-Wits, $ale of the Century, and Concentration. Rights be damned.
All that aside, I never had Nick GAS (I prefer 89 octane) and I was planning on watching Legends and Double Dare 2K on broadband soon...how does someone go about watching them?