So I decided to throw out an email to that craigslist posting mentioned on the forum here for funzies.. I simply mentioned my stats, attached a pic and mentioned my small time limited game show appearances -- I get a call three hours later from a (323) number, and it's some raspy sounding girl in her 20s named Kristi or Kourtney or Bubbles or whatever, who said she was calling "from Duel" .. heh.. immediately I took notice of her casting-call-sounding ways -- you know the type -- slightly bitchy, doesn't appear to have much of a personal interest in or knowledge of game shows, wreaks of wants-to-be-in-the-industry and probably answered a craigslist ad herself to get that gig

.. anyway --
she immediately tells me that the show wouldn't have me because I have already been on game shows and they are "looking for new people" (that's how she put it) .. and I remind her those tapings were quite some time ago, and normally a game show won't care if you've been on a show over a year ago (sometimes three) -- to which she responds "well, I don't know for sure, but I don't think they want that .. but if I find out that it's cool, I'll call you back and let you know" .. so she was basically adlibbing her claim, speaking for the producers ..
eh, I'm not holding my breath since I threw out that email for the hell of it, but it did strike me as odd that she even bothered to call to tell me that -- as the 22 other times I've auditioned for a show and was rejected, I've never been personally contacted and notified of that (if you don't count the eight "no" postcards from Millionaire

) ..
Anyway, do you guys really think that's true that Duel gives a crap one way or another if their contestants were on another show in the past? I wouldn't fly out there just for this so I honestly don't care one way or another, but at the same time I don't take this kid's word for it..