The only GS host I've actually met was Alex Trebek, at a signing of \"The Jeopardy! Book.\" (Having accumulated a large number of baseball caps (but nowhere near AT's collection), I wore the most absurd one I own, the one with two small foam hands that clap together when you pull the attached string. I figured if he wanted it, I'd give it to him. He didn't want it. He also guessed (correctly) that I never wore it out in public. I lamely bluffed that I took it to sporting events. I did. Once.)
I did encounter Donny Osmond at the Seattle stop of the Pyramid City Sweep (which actually, I just now realized, was in the city of Tukwila.) His prep area for the City Sweep at the Southcenter Mall was the same hotel where the conventional auditions were being held. I had no chance to anything to him, for he was monopolized by a middle-aged woman who had to let him know she'd been in love with him since she was 8. I could just be projecting, but he seemed to have that \"Thank you for reminding me how old I am\" look in his eyes.
Esoteric Eric, who would probably do the same thing to Marie, since she was born five days after his now-gray-haired-and-balder-than-Colin-Mochrie countenance