[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'173763\' date=\'Jan 3 2008, 08:22 PM\']
The $40 product I've mentioned is an overall better product and with a premium card in each pack. The $20/pack stuff is an overall worse product, and with a 1 in 3 chance at getting only 8 base cards with near no value. I'd take the sure thing since it's a better product which sells better on the secondary markets, specifically online and at sportscard shows.
(The shouting in the following is merely for emphasis. No slight against Mike is intended. At all. I mean it.)
I think the thing that people are continuing to be boggled by (certainly I am) is that you don't seem to be looking askance at the concept of TWENTY BUCKS FOR A SINGLE PACK OF FREAKIN' TRADING CARDS!!
know it's a hobby you love. I'm
glad you love it. I enjoy reading your writings about it. But gawd, man, I thought three bucks for a Magic booster was a little spendy. I just don't understand how you can discuss $40 and $20 packs of 5 trading cards (fer God's sake, even the $2 Magic mini-boosters had

and not realize that something is very very VERY wrong with that!