[quote name=\'lobster\' post=\'172962\' date=\'Dec 24 2007, 12:25 AM\']

do you have data on how many times each of them went to the top of the pyramid?
if so, who's the leader? If I were to guess, I'd say not Nipsey, as I never really found him to be the ultimate clue-giver and he often seemed to get flustered when a contestant wasn't "getting it" .. but I could be wrong just by his sheer number of appearances...
On the subject of the most wins in the Circle, I can only speak with any real authority about the L.A. years, and even then, my info is slightly incomplete. (Didn't you just hate when USA pre-empted "Pyramid" for golf or tennis?) But for 1982-1991, here's the (slightly incomplete) top 10:
1. Charlie Siebert: 32 wins (at least)
2. Earl Holliman: 31
3. Vicki Lawrence: 30 (at least)
4. Shelley Smith: 26 (at least)
5. Richard Kline: 23
6. Adrienne Barbeau: 21
7. LeVar Burton: 20 (at least)
Markie Post: 20 (at least)
Martha Smith: 20
Mary Cadorette: 20
And for you New York "Pyramid" fans, here are stats on how many times other frequent NY players won the Circle in L.A.:
Nipsey Russell: 19
Dick Cavett: 15 (at least)
Lois Nettleton: 14
Jo Anne Worley: 9
Soupy Sales: 5
Clifton Davis: 4 (at least)
Lynn Redgrave: 4
Anita Gillette: 3
Bill Cullen: 3 (at least)
Rita Moreno: 3 (at least)
John Schuck: 3 (at least)
The big surprise on this list is the comparatively lackluster performances of Soupy Sales, who was easily the biggest money-winner in the New York years, giving away over a quarter of a million dollars in 8 years. (Thanks to Mark Guerra and William Padron for this info.) His first four times on the show in L.A. produced no big wins, though he did have 10 close calls. On his fifth visit, though, he made up for it, winning $10,000 three times (including twice in one show, and one of those was with 29 seconds left on the clock) and a $5,000 tiebreaker.
On a related topic, there are at least three celebs who have cracked the half-million mark in money-winning between 1973-1991. Two of them are neck and neck for the top spot. Anybody want to hazard some guesses?