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Author Topic: B&W Overnight Returns!  (Read 7768 times)


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B&W Overnight Returns!
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2008, 05:46:53 AM »
[/i][quote name=\'Mike Tennant\' post=\'171772\' date=\'Dec 11 2007, 09:31 AM\']
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'171755\' date=\'Dec 10 2007, 11:17 PM\']
Hey, that's great news!  More Cullen IGAS!
Fixed.  The qualifier, after all, was unnecessary.

Actually, the one B&W show I would like to see is Cullen's TPIR, but I know for reasons
beyond GSN's control, that's not happening anytime soon.  Glad to see B&W Overnight
is back though.  I'm just barely under 50, but if it wasn't for B&W Overnight, I would
have never gotten to see The Name's The Same, Two For The Money, Play Your Hunch,
Make The Connection, What's Going On?, Winner Take All
or Collyer's Beat The Clock.
I've seen previously episodes of WML, IGAS and TTTT before.  The B&W Overnight showed
me some game shows that were around before I was around.