[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' post=\'175138\' date=\'Jan 16 2008, 01:18 PM\'] ... I loved hearing that
Celebrity Sweepstakes theme again for the first time in 31 years! From watching the show back then I knew the tune from memory, but it’s nice to actually hear it again...[/quote]
Same here, I remembered nearly all of the main chorus...Damn is that theme addicting!!

[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' post=\'175189\' date=\'Jan 16 2008, 10:20 PM\']
Well, that's been my feeling about finding the lost but loved themes that have echoed in my memory. I, nor the site owner, really understand some of the negativity that has surfaced. In his words:
... I'm am completely surprised that collectors/fans aren't gratefully to be able to simply go to the site and listen to classic TV music without paying or being asked for something in return... quite blown away. Yes, some of the copyright legal material is cut and pasted because I simply didn't want (or need) to pay a lawyer to restate the same things. I had planned on putting a mountain of research material (music) on the site but to read some of the unhappy, cheap shot comments makes me want to completely rethink sharing this archival material.
Can you help he and me understand the "cheap shot comments"? I'd like to see this buddy of mine remain passionate about the work of preserving and sharing the music. Thanks.
I hope he's not taking the "____________'s theme can be heard there but why isn't _________________'s other music there" the wrong way. For example, when I said that it was awesome to hear the Celebrity Sweepstakes 2nd theme again, but Whew! was nowhere to be found, it's not like we are expecting him to specifically find it for us or to think that he is holding it back for some reason if he
did have it.
I also hope that our recent initial postings of us being "overly suspicious" of the website in general weren't misconstrued to think that the site was 'illegal' for some attorney's reason -- it's just that there are some bad apples in the internet world that make enough waves to shut harmless websites down (this includes civilian websites that create downloadable computer games as a NON-PROFIT labor of love [i.e. Flashgames2], websites which contain streamable audio/video for NON-PROFIT enjoyment [YouTube], as well as independent websites which simply pay tribute to specific Pop Culture icons [see Squares, Hollywood].
We just want to protect people who love game shows and who wish to add harmless content onto the web for our enjoyment -- nothing more/nothing less, and that includes the TPMM!!!
I just wish we had more TV execs and their lawyers on our side who know we are harmless people who are not out to make a better profit of their materials then what they can/will do.