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Author Topic: Schedule Changes  (Read 13355 times)


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Schedule Changes
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2008, 09:26:39 AM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' post=\'176433\' date=\'Jan 27 2008, 10:29 PM\']
Other possibilities such as Trebek's Double Dare, Gambit(especially w/ today's love of card games), etc..

I think a remake of Gambit could work well for GSN.  I think part of the problem with most of these older shows is that who really remembers them besides us?  I doubt that very many people have even heard of Trivia Trap.  Interestingly, on that Vicki! episode with game shows hosts from 1994 that some of us have, Vicki herself stated she didn't even remember it - and she was on it!

It would be neat for any future remakes that they could also air an episode or two of the originals so viewers could see where they originated from.  In the case of Gambit, that would probably mean negotiating for a one-time airing, which you'd think wouldn't be that difficult.

GSN did try a remake of Gambit.  The pilot was under the title of Casino and hosted by Ron Pearson.  The whole pilot was posted two Thanksgivings ago in the huge clips thread.  

Ah, yes here it is Just click on view video. EDIT: The link takes you to a different page.  From there, click on Formats, then click on the Game Shows tab on the left, find Casino, then click on view video.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 09:28:19 AM by rebelwrest »
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