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Author Topic: Tic Tac Dough music  (Read 8984 times)


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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2008, 07:19:25 AM »
[quote name=\'Marc412\' post=\'177253\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 01:40 AM\']
In my experience, I've found that most of his .RA files can easily be "converted" to .MP3 or .WAV by going into the folder the files are in, clicking on the file name, and changing the extension from .RA to the one you want.

Of course, your results may vary.
But they're still .RA files.  Your media player is using the header of the file to determine what it is, not the extension.

Portions of this post not affecting the outcome have been edited or recreated.


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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2008, 07:44:22 AM »
[quote name=\'Card Shark\' post=\'177267\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 07:31 AM\']
[quote name=\'pacdude\' post=\'177244\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 12:17 AM\']
If you un-RAR the RAR files, the .ra files are in there and play just fine.

Great. How the heck do I do this? I'm not that well versed in computers.
Get 7-zip; it's free.  When you install it, it should ask you to associate .rar files with it (e.g. you'll have 7-zip running and reading .rar files every time you open them).

If 7-zip somehow doesn't run when you open .rar files, you can also right-click on the file and "7-zip" should be one of the options that came up in the context menu.  Select "7-zip" then choose "Extract here."  Wait for 7-zip to finish extracting.  Voila.


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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2008, 08:06:35 AM »
As an aside to anyone wishing to encode TO .RA, Sony Acid (and some other programs like it, I'm sure) do it very nicely.
Digital Media Producer, National Archives of Game Show History
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Card Shark

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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2008, 02:28:40 PM »
[quote name=\'snowpeck\' post=\'177249\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 01:16 AM\']
Maybe I'm going off topic here, but I really don't think it's a good thing that he's been ripping everything that's been put on the TV Music Museum site and is trying to use them to benefit himself.

Tell me how I'm benefitting from this? How much money am I earning and what kind of accolades have I received.
Adam Strom


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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2008, 02:46:38 PM »
[quote name=\'Card Shark\' post=\'177292\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 02:28 PM\']
[quote name=\'snowpeck\' post=\'177249\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 01:16 AM\']
Maybe I'm going off topic here, but I really don't think it's a good thing that he's been ripping everything that's been put on the TV Music Museum site and is trying to use them to benefit himself.
Tell me how I'm benefitting from this? How much money am I earning and what kind of accolades have I received.
He's not referring to you.  Greg is referring to TQ, who lifted the cues from the Museum site and is now offering them on his site as trade bait.

Card Shark

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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2008, 02:48:20 PM »
[quote name=\'dzinkin\' post=\'177296\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 02:46 PM\']
[quote name=\'Card Shark\' post=\'177292\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 02:28 PM\']
[quote name=\'snowpeck\' post=\'177249\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 01:16 AM\']
Maybe I'm going off topic here, but I really don't think it's a good thing that he's been ripping everything that's been put on the TV Music Museum site and is trying to use them to benefit himself.
Tell me how I'm benefitting from this? How much money am I earning and what kind of accolades have I received.
He's not referring to you.  Greg is referring to TQ, who lifted the cues from the Museum site and is now offering them on his site as trade bait.
Oh. My son's teething and really needs to stop waking me up at 3 a.m. because then stuff like this happens.
Adam Strom


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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2008, 02:50:52 PM »
Sorry I guess I should have been more clear about the "he" I was referring to.  Didn't mean anything against you Adam.  :)

Co-owner, The Daytime TV Schedule Archive
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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2008, 03:02:49 PM »
[quote name=\'snowpeck\' post=\'177298\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 11:50 AM\']
Sorry I guess I should have been more clear about the "he" I was referring to.  Didn't mean anything against you Adam.  :)
And in light of the clarification, seconded, but then I have a pretty dim opinion of T.Q. to start with. His site is one big trade-bait ad.

[quote name=\'DoorNumberFour\' post=\'177272\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 05:06 AM\']
As an aside to anyone wishing to encode TO .RA, Sony Acid (and some other programs like it, I'm sure) do it very nicely.[/quote]
But, again, why the hell would you?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Card Shark

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Tic Tac Dough music
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2008, 04:37:34 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'177263\' date=\'Feb 6 2008, 03:16 AM\']
If you have Real Alternative installed, I can think of a great many ways you could transcode that thing into an MP3, since you'd be handling it all through DirectShow-friendly codecs. Plus you have the added benefit of not having that awful RealPlayer software on your system.

I'm not sure if you could encode TO RealMedia, but for Glub's sake, why would you?

(EDIT: Just checked. VLC Media Player will play an .ra back without the codec even being installed, and I know you can filter its output through an mp3 encoder like LAME. I'm not sure *how* you go about that (I've always found better solutions), but then I'm not the one trying to do it.)

(EDIT THE SECOND: I *knew* I had seen something along these lines before. Give this a shot. Worked like a champ for me, and no oogy codec issues.)
This was perfect. Thank you!
Adam Strom