how do I send a SASE from Canada to the States? (I'm betting the answer is \"you can't\" so what should I do?)
Footix - I'm going to see TPIR in July. Back in April, I sent away for tickets to CBS and there was no problem. Mind you, it cost a little more than a normal stamp. You can go to go any Canada Post outlet and get what's called (I think) an \"international reply card\" and you send it away and the person that gets it then can cash it in for a first class stamp anywhere in the world to send it back to Canada. It costs about $3.50 IIRC.
That being said, I did call CBS and they said that they would just send tickets to me without the SASE from Canada as I imagine they have others that have the same concern. You do that at your own risk I suppose!
What I did as a back up is got a friend in Philly to order away for tickets for me. She sent it away, but put enough postage in it so that the tickets could be sent up to my friend here in town that I'm going with. Which also was no problem.
Good luck with everything!
Ryan V.