Okay. This I can roll with.
I said there should be no more "guaranteed spins," and I got that. The rest of the changes I can dig with...
...I just have one problem with the DSW window. Despite the showcases being of much larger value during the primetime shows, $1,000 is too large of a window in my honest opinion. For me, $500 would be the ideal range. Given the accuracy of bids in the previous 20 or so MDS, however, I can understand this logic.
As for the "Million Dollar Game," I think it would be fitting if it's played on a game where the chance of doing something to a tee is already rough as it is. Plinko is a prime example of this: if someone gets $50,000, the prize is bumped up to $1,000,000. If someone can pull the numbers on Three Strikes and put them in the right positions WITHOUT getting a strike, s/he wins $1,000,000. The concept works perfectly; just don't pitch any softballs (i.e. winning the car in the first two pulls on Money Game is a bit easier than what some circles think...)
Kudos to CBS for making the $1,000,000 spectacular work without changing the concept of TPIR.
The Inquisitive One