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Author Topic: NY Times Review of "Moment of Truth"  (Read 2059 times)


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NY Times Review of "Moment of Truth"
« on: January 25, 2008, 11:33:05 AM »
For your consideration:

[Note: Registration should not be required to read this within a few days of its posting on the NYT Website today, Friday 26 January.  After that you may need to register to search the archives, however, NYT removed its pay "Times Select" service a couple of months ago.]

The last line of the piece was most interesting, but I think it might count as a "spoiler."  I did find interesting the reference to this show in other countries and Fox's version being "tamer."  But I'm not sure I complete agree with the statement "All game shows are mercenary."  Perhaps it's a matter of degree.
George in Ellison Park, NY



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NY Times Review of "Moment of Truth"
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2008, 11:59:40 AM »
[quote name=\'irwinsjournal.com\' post=\'176245\' date=\'Jan 25 2008, 10:33 AM\']
For your consideration:

[Note: Registration should not be required to read this within a few days of its posting on the NYT Website today, Friday 26 January.  After that you may need to register to search the archives, however, NYT removed its pay "Times Select" service a couple of months ago.]

The last line of the piece was most interesting, but I think it might count as a "spoiler."  I did find interesting the reference to this show in other countries and Fox's version being "tamer."  But I'm not sure I complete agree with the statement "All game shows are mercenary."  Perhaps it's a matter of degree.

But it still was the highest-debuting premiere episode of *any* network prime time series since--wait for it--"...5th Grader?". another recipient of an "Idol" lead-in.  An unheard of for a high-rated show *94%* of the "Idol" audience stuck around for Marky Mark:


And does Mike Darnell care what the critics think?:



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NY Times Review of "Moment of Truth"
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2008, 01:39:17 PM »
From Lisa de Moraes at the WashPost:


Water pressure plunged Wednesday at 10 p.m. across the country, as more than 23 million people leapt into showers to clean off the filth after watching the unveiling of Fox's "The Moment of Truth."  


Great headline, too, for lovers of 60s music: "All the Young Dudes Tune In for 'MOT,' the Hoopla"
This isn't a plug, but you can ask me about my book.


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NY Times Review of "Moment of Truth"
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2008, 01:43:16 PM »
Water pressure plunged Wednesday at 10 p.m. across the country, as more than 23 million people leapt into showers to clean off the filth after watching the unveiling of Fox's "The Moment of Truth."  

That's the BEST line I've read for this show, and the BEST line Lisa has written while at the Post. Evar.

/I miss Captain Airwaves.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"

Clay Zambo

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NY Times Review of "Moment of Truth"
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2008, 04:45:41 PM »
I attended a taping last Friday.  I won't say I felt like I needed a shower when I finished, but let's say this: there was another episode to be taped that day, and I sure as hell didn't get back in line to see if there'd be any seats available.

I'd been in the studio *an hour* before a contestant appeared on stage.  Mark W introduced him four times...  Mark threw to commercial four times...  Mark teased next week's episode four times... By the time the guy got on stage, I had just about ceased caring.  And then the game?  Eh.  I'd spoil it, but why bother?

Maybe it was a tactical error on my part, going to a game show taping where I *knew* the warm-up guy would be practically cracking a whip to get us to applaud harder and louder--when I had a mildly sprained wrist.  Ow.