[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'178963\' date=\'Feb 25 2008, 09:44 PM\']
"I didn't get to see the show, but I'm going to start a thread about it and ask for no spoilers."
Gee, thanks for that.[/quote]He knows this isn't the spoiler section. Dr. Doty is a couple boards down with a piece of metal from the back of Lemon's Porsche.
[quote name=\'DjohnsonCB\' post=\'178957\' date=\'Feb 25 2008, 06:11 PM\']Well, I had planned to watch the final Million $ Mission, and saw in TV Guide Magazine that "My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad" was supposed to air at 7 PM (Central) before DOnD Medium, the show I really wanted to watch, isn't on until 9:00c. So what happened, They got it BACKWARDS! the player won [see Show Summaries to get exact amount] Now I missed all but the last few seconds as the credits rolled, I know nothing of what happened (no spoilers please), and NOW I either need a tape copy from someone or the EXACT airdate CNBC will run it. a life or Lemon's Porsche. I'm now off to send a Jeer to the magazine... consume mass quantities of gazpacho.[/quote]
Fixing other people's quotes isn't as easy as Lemon makes it look.
/I had to self-edit out two instances of drug use
//Bill Rafferty once said "Drugs are drugs are drugs. Stay away from them."