Original 3s a Crowd = worst game ever .. how anyone greenlit the concept of trying to raise intrigue and scandal out of businessmen who happen to have hotter secretaries than their wives is so ridiculously puzzling.
Joker! Joker! Joker! = fixed, fixed, fixed!

... well, perhaps it wasn't "fixed" per S&P definition, but 80% of each reel must have contained a Joker then ..
and on that note, pretty much any mainstream game show that has a "kid's week" is somewhat boring television for adults.. Even my beloved Jeopardy is pretty boring to watch when they have kids' (8,9 & 10) week. Maybe for kids it's great TV, but I'm curious to know if ratings drop a little amongst adults during such weeks.
Whammy! = 2nd worst game ever, entirely unwatchable.. contestants were classic GSN-grade DOND hyper-idiotic.. and the fact that the double-whammies simply meant that they got crap dropped onto their heads was really just.. stupid.

(it's weird how the game play was virtually identical to the great PYL, but yet everything else about Whammy! made it so far removed)