[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'180938\' date=\'Mar 11 2008, 04:46 PM\']
[quote name=\'uncamark\' post=\'180935\' date=\'Mar 11 2008, 05:32 PM\']Wouldn't the pinning be, as far as they're concerned, "All prices are the manufacturers' or suppliers' suggested retail prices unless otherwise announced?"[/quote]
Let me try this another way.
Your Final Jeopardy clue is: "According to
Information Please, this president was left-handed."
You say: "Who is Herbert Hoover?"
Alex says: "No, I'm sorry. The correct respose is, 'Who is Ronald Reagan?' "
You say: "But Hoover was a leftie too!"
They say: "Our source says that Reagan was left-handed. Therefore we are right."
Your brain explodes.
In other words,
sourcing an item is one thing and
pinning it is another.
Gotcha. Matt Ottinger kicked my ass.

/Aren't you glad I didn't say Numberwang?