[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'183630\' date=\'Apr 9 2008, 01:22 PM\']
[quote name=\'Steve Gavazzi\' post=\'183598\' date=\'Apr 8 2008, 09:43 PM\']
Maybe I'm just overthinking this...but if they're gonna rip off It's in the Bag and Hole in One, don't you think they could at least fudge better names for them than "Check-Out" and "Hi Lo?"
Let's recap this...they have:
- Engaged in what is clearly a for-profit exercise (nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but keep reading)
- Done so with either no knowledge of their market competitors, or no respect for their potential clients
- Stolen someone else's IP to do it
- Engaged in clear spamming practices to promote it
Do you still want to ask that question?

Engaged in what is clearly a for-profit exercise (nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but keep reading)
Of course this is for profit.
Done so with either no knowledge of their market competitors, or no respect for their potential clients
Show me 1 competitor for us and do not say PlayCafe. PlayCafe is not even close to what we do on our live show. If you want us to ask trivia

then act like idiots for a minute well then just keep playing at PlayCafe.
Stolen someone else's IP to do it
Total lie. We own that server.
Engaged in clear spamming practices to promote it
This is not spamming. This forum is a related topic to our website and i only posted it once.
If you are going to bash us at least do so honestly. I really do not care if you do but be truthful.
You should at least know what you are talking about. Come take a look at tonights live show then tell me we are ripping someone off.
As far as our static games on the site, Yes the are TPIR like but who said that they have the rights to every priciing game in the world?