[quote name=\'mbj233\' post=\'183804\' date=\'Apr 11 2008, 11:22 AM\']
I will concede the fact that PlayCafe is a online game show and that people here seem to think it is a competitor for us. [/quote]And I will concede, breaking from one of my co-moderators (which I never like to do), that what you did to introduce yourself to us fell far short of 'spamming'. I understand that you wanted to draw attention to yourself, and I'll willing to believe that you didn't really know how our board operates. In all honesty, it would just have been redundant for the message to have appeared in all three forums anyway, everybody here eventually gets around to reading everything.
As for calling PlayCafe a 'competitor' specifically, I certainly think that there is a broad pool of game show fans who will be interested in both shows, but honestly the two appear to be so different that serious fandom will find little overlap. Much like we game show fans can enjoy both
The Price Is Right and
Jeopardy!, but almost anyone who's serious about it will tend to prefer one a lot more than the other.
I still feel that our conepts are in 2 different directions. Their show everybody is playing and answering trivia
while on our show it is more of the surprise factor when you are called as a contestant
Absolutely. Two completely different approaches to the same basic idea -- doing a game show on the internet. This is all my point has ever been.
Our games on our live show are mostly games of chance. Knockout (card game 6 players) AceyDucey ( card game 2 players) Concentration ( Card Game 2 player) Pass ( Card game 4 player) War (card Game 2 Player) Stopper (Card game 3 player) Press ( Pricing game 1 player) High Hand ( Card game 4 player) and We play AceyDucey again as it is our members favortite game. Our shows last about 2 hours .
Again, a seriously different approach to the everybody-plays model that PlayCafe uses. I would be interested in finding out how engaging it is for the people on your site who AREN'T playing any given game to watch the lucky few play.
On our average show we give out $120 in gift cards to our players that are to some of the top websites.
There you totally have an advantage over PlayCafe. Their average payouts are much, much smaller. Also, for being a game that's based on skill, their awarding of prizes is very much based on luck.
All our games are controlled by our hosts and there are no possibilities for us to fix a game.
Careful with your choice of words. From what little I saw, it would seem to be very, very easy to fix several of the games if you really wanted to. You have no reason to, and I don't see why anyone would accuse you of doing so. But again, saying there are 'no possibilities' when that's clearly not the case is a lot like saying you're the only internet game show -- and that's what got you in trouble here to start with!
There are only 2 games played that there could be no winner and that is Press and Pass otherwise all the other games have a winner everytime they are played. <<<<Is that something other sites can say?
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. PlayCafe has winners for each of their games. I imagine just about every site that has multiplayer games has winners. What's the big deal about a game having a winner? That's just expected, isn't it?