[quote name=\'davewalls\' post=\'184786\' date=\'Apr 24 2008, 09:26 PM\']
I stopped by my parent's house last week on a trip through Delaware,
and found my old board games, including a copy of Gambler in reasonably
good condition. Excellent game.
I loved that dice shaker, too. How would one utilize that for Yahtzee on a stick, as suggested above? It's not like you can reach in and grab the dice..
Here is how I did it back in the day:
Roll #1, Play the first 5 dice (reading bottom to top) show 2,2,4,2,6...I elect to keep the 2's.
Roll #2 & 3, I covered up the 3 bottom dice with my hand and play the 4th & 5th dice in the handle, electing to "keep" or "pass" on the remaining dice.
I never counted the 6th die, unless we played "Wild Card" Yahtzee.
Remembering what I "kept", I'd mark down the score(s) in the appropriate column(s).
Obviously, there was a little more "memory" involved versus the traditional game where you just took dice out of play and only roll the remaining one(s), but the trade-off was that the dice never got loose in the car -- Only the pen/pencil every once in a while!