Kind of a bad news/good news thing, I guess:
Physically, the fire destroyed all of the metro sets (NY Street, New England Street, Brownstone Street, "Sting Alley") save for the North and Eastern sides of "Courthouse Square" (Hill Valley from Back to the Future). The TV production most directly affected by it is "Ghost Whisperer" as they had turned the square into the town center of Grandview for the show. A lot of films had used those sets in the past few months.
As for film/video...can't say directly, but bear in mind that most shows under the NBC/Universal banner fell closer to the Blind Date type reality than outright game shows...that being said, I don't know off hand what, if any, GS tapes were directly affected.
The good news, if any, is that the fire was limited to only the metro area sets of the backlot and did not jump over to the western sets of "Six Points Texas" or "Lil Europe"...and was way away from Wisteria Lane (you can all exhale now...

) Also, from what I have heard, despite the size of the fire, which local residents called the worst they had seen, at last count I heard it was 9 firefighters who were treated for minor injuries (don't quote me on specifics, allow for wiggle room on numbers and qualifiers).
The amazing thing to see from the bridge that crossed from the park to the tram queue area was how total the ruin was of those buildings, yet to see the four walls that surrounded the King Kong attraction standing, with nothing existing inside or on top. If you want to see photos, has a good set of pics as does