Let's see, most of the time when something would get taped when I was younger, it was because I was gonna miss the show for one reason or another *I was a most loyal game show viewer*. Since I was home all day until I was five, this usually meant the shows I'd miss would be missed because we went out to eat that night, we went to a party, or something else somebody wanted to watch was on, and thus I'd miss syndie Combs Feud and/or WOF, at night.
So about 1987 or so, the syndie WOF's were the first games taped for me *parents knew I wanted to watch Wheel, but I couldn't run the VCR until I was 5, so they did it for me*, but those eps were, much like others, taped over by other WOF's, and then Combs FF, a few years later when we were out and about or w/e. This process stopped in 1989 *the oldest surviving eps I have*, and from then on, we had an abundance of VHS tapes around the house, so overtapings stopped.
So from then on, everything that was taped I still have, and includes an array of daytime and nighttime WOF, Combs FF, a number of Classic Concentrations, some Jeopardy, some of the USA lineup including PYL, Scrabble, and Pyramid *and... yes... even Patrick Wayne, I will admit*, a little bit of 90's TPIR, and the original Carmen Sandiego. They all also include the commercials too, which adds to the nostalgia...
Then, but of course, when we got GSN in 1999, there went the VCR again, and I got more WOF's, Pyramids, PYL's and FF...
The tapes have remained in pristine quality though, which I'm very happy with *the 1989 WOF tape looks like its could be only 5 years old*. I haven't converted them to DVD yet, but I'll get to it one of these days when I have loads of free time in the foreseeable future.