We got our first VCR Christmas of 1982. First show I remember taping was one of the early episodes of
Sale of the Century, on a rare 30-minute tape (they had oddball lengths back then - 30s, 60s and 90s, in addition to the 120s; I think I even remember seeing 45-minute tapes too).
I usually made a habit of taping NBC games instead of CBS - until I saw
Press Your Luck later that year, and that became a taping habit for me.
I really didn't think to save a lot of it, and tapes were a lot more expensive back then. Considering I was just about to enter college, I didn't have extra money to spend on buying a lot of tapes at the time.
Some of the earliest stuff I saved: the Michael Larson episodes of
Press Your Luck, plus some Davidson
Hollywood Sqaures episodes. In the '90s while going through tapes, I found one with episodes of '80s
Truth or Consequences and
Dating Game on them which I didn't even know I had.....I believe many of you are enjoying those episodes in your collections now!

, plus a few
America's Top 10 episodes that for some reason I never erased; and also a few weather forecasts (always fascinated by the weather, and statistics relating to it).
Since then it's grown to over 2400 episodes (plus assorted clips and bits), that one day soon I hope to have all converted to DVD!