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Author Topic: Your Place or Mine?: The Rules  (Read 1437 times)


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Your Place or Mine?: The Rules
« on: June 09, 2008, 03:17:29 PM »
Here are the rules of the new weekly TLC game show "Your Place or Mine", hosted by Cameron Mathison. It takes some elements of the classic B & E game show "Bullseye", which is cool. Each week, two families, each with four team members, compete.

Each round began with a toss-up question. If the one who buzzes in is correct, he/she earns control of the category for his/her team. If an incorrect answer was given, he/she took too long or conferred with the team in any way, control automatically went to the other team.

Then, questions are asked to the team in control, one at a time. In Rounds 1 and 2, each main question puts 50 points into the pot. Here, the team in control can confer, but only the captain of the team can give an answer. They can stop after any correct answer and bank the points, but if an incorrect answer was given, or the captain took too long in giving an answer, control of the category and the pot goes to the other team. Remember, you can ONLY bank points after a correct answer.

After a category is stopped, a new category is played, starting again with a toss-up question.

In both Rounds 1 and 2, the first team to bank 250 points wins a room of furniture. Only the winners of each round got to keep their banked points.

Point values double in Rounds 3 (here, each main question was worth 100 points, with 500 needed to win the round) and Round 4 (200 points a question, 1,000 needed to win the round).

The winners of Round 4 got the option of taking the furniture offered that round, or stealing one of their opponents' other earned prize packages, if applicable. The team with the most points after the fourth round wins the game and the right to play the bonus round.

If the score is tied after the fourth round, a toss-up tiebreaker is held. The first team to answer two questions correctly advances to the endgame. Losers still get to keep whatever prize packages they had remaining at the end of the game.

BONUS ROUND: One member of the winning team is given a category, and he/she had to decide which of the other three family members would fare the best in that category. Then, a question is asked. This is done up to four more times. If the team gets three questions out of five correct (as in the bonus round on the Bob Eubanks game show "Family Secrets"), they win a new car.