I got a chance to read all the posts, and they basically resurrected the old MG set for the MG pilot?! (a la Ricki Lake Game Show Marathon)
I guess Fremantle is taking the cue that the viewing audience likes familiarity. The Feud set looks like a nice update of the classic set. Same shapes, but a new look. TPIR looks pretty much the same, so why not make MG look pretty much the same?
I think this is the first time, however, that Fremantle decided to keep EVERYTHING the same INCLUDING the classic set.
I am all for a raunchier MG as long as it's done right. The panelists shouldn't try to upstage each other (I'm looking at YOU Judy T) and the answers should be suitable for airing on TV. I'd also like to see a panel that actually BELONGS together, not just names picked out of a hat like MG 98.