On August 25, 1958, NBC debuted a game show that would be a long-running classic, Concentration. This show would be on in various formats from 1958-1973, then syndicated from 1973-1978, and most recently as Classic Concentration from 1987-1993.
This year will mark the 50th anniversary of Concentration, and NBC/Universal, who owns the rights to the game, has yet to do something to commemorate this event. I wish that NBC would get up off of their collective duffs and revive the format as a prime-time game like they do Deal or No Deal.
I plan to send NBC an e-mail about this, but I have a sick feeling this will be one of those "Wish in one hand..." moments.
We need to let NBC/Universal know about this. Maybe Fremantle (which now owns Goodson/Todman-Mark Goodson productions, who helped produce the syndciated version of the show as well as Classic Concentration) could help out.
NBC, you could make Concentration a hit just like you did Deal or No Deal.
If you have any ideas of how the new Concentration should be done (ex. 25 or 30 squares, type of bonus round, host), let me know.