Here's what I think:
Clock on the questions - Both a good and bad idea. A time limit on the first ten, I'll absolutely agree with, but for me, part of the excitement of the last 5 questions is watching the contestant spend several minutes seesawing back and forth between different answers and the decisions to play or walk. Case in point: Ogi Ogas' $500k and $1M questions. You can say whatever you want about the guy, but you have to admit that those two questions were awfully suspenseful.
If it were me, I'd say 20 seconds for the first 5, 30 or 45 seconds for the next 5, and no time limit for the last 5. This will speed the game along, and either get contestants out of the game faster or to the big money faster.
New lifeline lineup - I like this. 50:50 was always, in my mind, a dubious lifeline because it was usually a straight gamble. At least with Phone a Friend and Ask the Audience, giving reasonable thought before using the lifeline will increase the lifeline's chance of effectiveness. Double Dip will accomplish the same goal as 50:50, only with more effectiveness.
I'm also glad that Switch the Question is going. I was never a fan of that lifeline, and seeing some people lose a lifeline because they decided to switch was a huge turn-off.
Ask the Expert looks like an interesting idea. We've seen the Three Wise Men lifeline work with mixed results. How will only One Wise (Wo)man turn out?
Millionaire Menu - This, to me, is the worst change they've made. In my opinion, part of the excitement is the moment of "Whoa, what the hell is that?" when some completely out-there question pops up. The only good I can see coming from this is the "menu" influencing the contestant's decisions. ("Well, I'll burn my last lifeline on this question because I really like the category for my next one.") Then again, I wonder if that's really a good thing.
All in all - Eh. I'll watch the premier, but I dunno.