Since this is about the quiz show scandals, let's do a Jack Barry-type question...
"This Tennessee college professor and former television newsman is often quoted by television and radio on the subject of game shows. He recently announced his retirement from running the site, which contained news on game shows and his own opinions on events in the genre. In addition, he also broadcasts the NAIA Division II basketball tournament. He was quoted today on National Public Radio. For an X, $500, the game, the championship, and a chance to beat the dragon, what is the last name of this much-discussed game show expert named Steve?"
In seriousness, to answer an earlier question, Marie Winn didn't want to talk about game shows or the scandal, and the only show mentioned was Dotto because of the anniversary. The reporter's point was that it was the wedge that helped to drive sponsors out of control over programming. (This overlooks the fact that with the growing expense of programs, it would have been impossible for most businesses to completely sponsor one show.) Some nice sound clips from Jack Narz and Winn from the Dotto archives, however. Say what you will about NPR, their reports are the best sounding in radio anyplace, with the possible exception of the BBC.