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Author Topic: "Mismatched" Themes.  (Read 22442 times)


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #75 on: September 19, 2008, 12:04:07 AM »
[quote name=\'Orion\' post=\'196220\' date=\'Sep 6 2008, 08:09 AM\']Oh, I quite agree, and that's really my problem with it. It always struck me as very dramatic, but IMHO both MG and HS need something more lighthearted. Compare the 70s themes of both shows with the MGHSH theme -- the latter just feels totally out of place to me.[/quote]I must disagree with this assessment. I thought with the futuristic looking set, the dark opening with the large (video wall?) that it fit in very well.

As for themes that don't really fit the show...the '86 theme to Card Sharks is devoid of any excitement, IMO, whatsoever. OTOH, I think the Tic Tac Dough theme is too energized for what is a rather dry game.
Phil 4:13


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #76 on: September 19, 2008, 05:59:33 AM »
[quote name=\'uncamark\' post=\'197433\' date=\'Sep 17 2008, 10:37 AM\']
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'197405\' date=\'Sep 17 2008, 12:32 AM\']
[quote name=\'TenPoundHammer\' post=\'197393\' date=\'Sep 16 2008, 11:02 PM\']
Seriously, though, I agree that all remixes of "Changing Keys" after 1992 did not fit the show. By stretching the notes out, warping the melody, and throwing in so much brass, it just clashed with what was still the "old school" Wheel. The 1998 mix was especially cold. Jeopardy!'s Kaplan mixes felt really cold too, especially in the sushi bar era. I honestly believe that Kaplan had very little idea as to what a melody is.
Agree with you on the "Wheel" themes, but I disagree on the post-1997 "J!" themes. Having listened to both in the clear recently, I must say they sounded very classy, and fit the knowledgeable feel of the show very well. The newest version is slowly growing on me, but it lacks the dynamics of the two prior versions.

And it was needed to be done--the first theme was becoming a relic of the 80s itself.  I also just like a full orchestra more than synthesizers in many cases, personally.

(Now one can argue that the Korinna font is just as much a relic of the 80s, but to me it's like the font for the MTV vidclip lower thirds [when they do air them and on the digital channels]--it's a tradition now and doesn't need to be changed.)

I still disagree.

Look how long "Walking" was used as the "Come on Down" theme to The Price is Right. Or how long they used their main theme WITHOUT ANY remixes (until Carey took over).

You ask any longtime Trebek-era Jeopardy! fanatic (and taking a trip to the Jump the Shark website) and the general consensus is that the Steve Kaplan mixes to the Jeopardy! theme just simply did not fit the show (neither did Naomi Slodki's set designs) at all.  Insomuch as I hate to say it, the remixes to the theme, the awful sets (and that Clue Crew) are the very reasons I RARELY watch Jeopardy! anymore. In fact, Jeopardy! lost its soul when they dropped the original electronic theme and ditched the electronic neon set in 1997.


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #77 on: September 19, 2008, 01:20:10 PM »
[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'197669\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 12:04 AM\']
[quote name=\'Orion\' post=\'196220\' date=\'Sep 6 2008, 08:09 AM\']Oh, I quite agree, and that's really my problem with it. It always struck me as very dramatic, but IMHO both MG and HS need something more lighthearted. Compare the 70s themes of both shows with the MGHSH theme -- the latter just feels totally out of place to me.[/quote]I must disagree with this assessment. I thought with the futuristic looking set, the dark opening with the large (video wall?) that it fit in very well.[/quote]

Circle gets the square. I thought MGHSH's theme was excellent too, even if it wasn't very MG-esque. Hell, it even sounds good as a car cue on TPIR 24 years later.

By the way, Orion, what do you think of the Davidson HSq theme? That wasn't exactly "lighthearted" either.

[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'197669\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 12:04 AM\']As for themes that don't really fit the show...the '86 theme to Card Sharks is devoid of any excitement, IMO, whatsoever.[/quote]

Wait, if CS'86's theme was "devoid of any excitement", wouldn't that mean that it did fit the show?

[quote name=\'GrandMasterGalvatron\' post=\'197623\' date=\'Sep 18 2008, 04:07 PM\']
If we're gonna talk about lack of melody, then I'll definitely pitch a vote for toady's Wheel theme.[/quote]

Hehe, "pitch a vote", was that intentional?

Most modern theme songs, to me, are just background music in search of a melody, Wheel's current mess being no exception. (Actually, CS'86's theme didn't really have a melody either.)


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #78 on: September 19, 2008, 10:12:51 PM »
[quote name=\'TenPoundHammer\' post=\'197696\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 09:20 AM\']
Circle gets the square. I thought MGHSH's theme was excellent too, even if it wasn't very MG-esque. Hell, it even sounds good as a car cue on TPIR 24 years later.

By the way, Orion, what do you think of the Davidson HSq theme? That wasn't exactly "lighthearted" either.

Well, maybe I'm in the minority on this one. I do think the theme fits the tone of the overall production; I guess I just think the whole production was a bit odd, especially with respect to the MG half. Not bad, just odd. (I think I said this before, but this is actually one of my favorite game show themes, and I'm glad it's still around as a TPIR cue.)

Now that I think about it a little more, maybe it would never have bothered me if it had just been a HS theme. I think what I'm reacting to is that MGHSH felt, to me, like they'd bolted MG on to an episode of HS, and I never thought the MG part seemed to fit.

I think the Davidson HS theme fits that show fine, but I've never been a huge HS fan.


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #79 on: September 19, 2008, 10:30:08 PM »
[quote name=\'StevenRosenow\' post=\'197680\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 02:59 AM\']You ask any longtime Trebek-era Jeopardy! fanatic (and taking a trip to the Jump the Shark website) and the general consensus is that the Steve Kaplan mixes to the Jeopardy! theme just simply did not fit the show (neither did Naomi Slodki's set designs) at all.  Insomuch as I hate to say it, the remixes to the theme, the awful sets (and that Clue Crew) are the very reasons I RARELY watch Jeopardy! anymore. In fact, Jeopardy! lost its soul when they dropped the original electronic theme and ditched the electronic neon set in 1997.[/quote]I've been a longtime Jeopardy! watcher, and I've stuck through all the set-changes, rule changes, music changes and I'm still watching 25 years later.

I am surprised that someone would be so completely put-off by all the chrome that they'd stop watching.
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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #80 on: September 19, 2008, 10:40:00 PM »
As someone who tremendously dislikes the current set, this show falls into the same category as Pyramid IMO. That is, the show could be played in a cold, dark basement, but as long as I'm seeing the general gameplay as intended, I'm intrigued.

1. Three contestants still buzz in to give correct responses in the form of a question.
2. Six categories are shown a game board, each with five dollar values of equally increasing increments.
2a. Three pre-selected clues are hidden, which only one may answer, wagering their money in doing so.
2b. Dollar values double in round two.
3. Three contestants get to wager their (positive) earnings on one final  clue.

There are reasons not to watch a show...obnoxious contestants (nighttime D/ND), gameplay that is completely cold and devoid of any excitement (Donnymid), ridiculous changes that actually turn a classic into a clusterfrick (Card Sharks 01, Tempta-shun). A set is not one of them, and I think the Jeopardy! set is a horrible mish-mash.

/Loved the NY and Million Dollar Masters sets
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 10:40:34 PM by fostergray82 »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #81 on: September 19, 2008, 10:55:55 PM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'197737\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 09:30 PM\']
[quote name=\'StevenRosenow\' post=\'197680\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 02:59 AM\']You ask any longtime Trebek-era Jeopardy! fanatic (and taking a trip to the Jump the Shark website) and the general consensus is that the Steve Kaplan mixes to the Jeopardy! theme just simply did not fit the show (neither did Naomi Slodki's set designs) at all.  Insomuch as I hate to say it, the remixes to the theme, the awful sets (and that Clue Crew) are the very reasons I RARELY watch Jeopardy! anymore. In fact, Jeopardy! lost its soul when they dropped the original electronic theme and ditched the electronic neon set in 1997.[/quote]I've been a longtime Jeopardy! watcher, and I've stuck through all the set-changes, rule changes, music changes and I'm still watching 25 years later.

I am surprised that someone would be so completely put-off by all the chrome that they'd stop watching.

I'm a longtime Trebek-era Jeopardy! fanatic. I don't care.

Travis, look who made the post. Considering that this is the same guy who demanded that David Livingston find someone to take over his website so he could look at it or just keep it up, not getting it kind of is in his blood.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #82 on: September 20, 2008, 04:47:13 AM »
I did not demand he keep his site up. You took what I said completely out of context.

Why don't you give it up, already? Jesus christ, that thread was a couple weeks ago. If that. IN. THE. PAST.

And BTW, I'm no idiot like you may think I am.



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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #83 on: September 20, 2008, 06:22:07 AM »
[quote name=\'PYLdude\' post=\'197739\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 07:55 PM\']
Travis, look who made the post. Considering that this is the same guy who demanded that David Livingston find someone to take over his website so he could look at it or just keep it up, not getting it kind of is in his blood.[/quote]
I remember a request. Poorly-constructed, somewhat out-of-line, sure, but I think to call it a "demand" is misrepresenting it a great deal.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #84 on: September 20, 2008, 11:11:10 AM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'197737\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 10:30 PM\']
I am surprised that someone would be so completely put-off by all the chrome that they'd stop watching.
Jeopardy has probably the most solid game of anything we've seen since The Challengers.  I'd keep watching regardless of chrome, probably.

I liked the sushi bar set, personally.
When you're at the grocery game and you hear the beep, think of all the fun you could have at "Crazy Rachel's Checkout Counter!"


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #85 on: September 20, 2008, 04:10:57 PM »
[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'197752\' date=\'Sep 20 2008, 08:11 AM\']I liked the sushi bar set, personally.[/quote]Assuming that the set to which you refer was the one from the mid/late 1990s, I take issue with the phrase "sushi bar" as shorthand for "wood paneling and frosted glass were on sale." I have never been to a sushi bar that looks like that, and am dismayed that this particular meme persists.

Going back to the original topic, I don't think any themes are "mismatched". Sure, some "feel" right, or they grow on you and if you heard another piece of music, you'd say "Aw, no way could that ever be the theme to Who's Got My Pants?, but if you heard the second piece first, it would be the other way around.
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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2008, 04:06:42 AM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'197767\' date=\'Sep 20 2008, 03:10 PM\']
[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'197752\' date=\'Sep 20 2008, 08:11 AM\']I liked the sushi bar set, personally.[/quote]Assuming that the set to which you refer was the one from the mid/late 1990s, I take issue with the phrase "sushi bar" as shorthand for "wood paneling and frosted glass were on sale." I have never been to a sushi bar that looks like that, and am dismayed that this particular meme persists.

The "Sushi Bar" description was given to the 1997 Jeopardy! set by a newspaper columnist when he was describing it. It caught on, and it became known as the "sushi bar set" in the game show circle (and FWIW, there are a few local sushi bars that actually come close to resembling that set here in Washington state).

I know Jeopardy! themselves described it differently (describing it as a modern, contemporary library foyer or a den) but the public never perceived it as such. It was also widely panned by the critics. I remember many a newspaper columnist describing it as gawdy and too "blockish" in design.

But anywho...


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #87 on: September 21, 2008, 03:38:12 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'197745\' date=\'Sep 20 2008, 05:22 AM\']
[quote name=\'PYLdude\' post=\'197739\' date=\'Sep 19 2008, 07:55 PM\']
Travis, look who made the post. Considering that this is the same guy who demanded that David Livingston find someone to take over his website so he could look at it or just keep it up, not getting it kind of is in his blood.[/quote]
I remember a request. Poorly-constructed, somewhat out-of-line, sure, but I think to call it a "demand" is misrepresenting it a great deal.

I don't think so for this reason: he basically went and called David lazy for not wanting to keep his site up and refused to listen to reasons for why it was a sensible solution.

If it ain't a demand it's pretty close. And I don't know what context Dr. Steve-O wants me to take it in.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #88 on: September 21, 2008, 03:43:54 PM »
[quote name=\'PYLdude\' post=\'197806\' date=\'Sep 21 2008, 12:38 PM\']
I don't think so for this reason: he basically went and called David lazy for not wanting to keep his site up and refused to listen to reasons for why it was a sensible solution.

If it ain't a demand it's pretty close. And I don't know what context Dr. Steve-O wants me to take it in.[/quote]

I guess I should take solace in the comfort that some things just will never change.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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"Mismatched" Themes.
« Reply #89 on: September 21, 2008, 03:46:56 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'197807\' date=\'Sep 21 2008, 02:43 PM\']
[quote name=\'PYLdude\' post=\'197806\' date=\'Sep 21 2008, 12:38 PM\']
I don't think so for this reason: he basically went and called David lazy for not wanting to keep his site up and refused to listen to reasons for why it was a sensible solution.

If it ain't a demand it's pretty close. And I don't know what context Dr. Steve-O wants me to take it in.[/quote]

I guess I should take solace in the comfort that some things just will never change.

Yeah, including the fact that you're apparently unwilling to listen to people's reasoning behind their opinions.

Enough already.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022