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Author Topic: So I finally got GSN  (Read 15172 times)


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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2003, 05:17:04 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Oct 17 2003, 01:08 PM\'] We live in what I call a buffer zone.  That is, we automatically receive 2 feeds of CBS, ABC, and NBC due to our location.

How does one go about getting thse over-the-dial stations? [/quote]
 I grew up in an area like that... with the added bonus that the Louisville channels moved an hour earlier for DST while we (and the Indianapolis stations) did not, meaning I had two chances to watch any network show.

The only thing I miss about the ol' hometown :)


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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2003, 07:31:59 PM »
[quote name=\'urbanpreppie05\' date=\'Oct 17 2003, 01:36 PM\'] Hmm let's see...here's what I picked up over the years-
Remember, Akron is 35 miles south of cleveland

21 WFMJ-NBC Youngstown: Funny thing- i get 21 clearer on my over-the-dial TV then channel 3 in cleveland!
27 WKBN-CBS Youngstown: This is how I watch H2 on clear days...
7 WTOV-NBC Wheeling WV
4 WDIV-NBC Detroit

and one day...don't ask me how...but I got CBS 9 from somewhere in Michigan. [/quote]
 I was able to get Channel 7 CBS in Wheeling and Channel 9 NBC in Steubenville, Ohio and Channel 6 NBC in Johnstown, PA in SW PA waaay back in the 80s via an antenna. That part of SW PA was never even offered cable until 1991.


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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2003, 12:35:19 AM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' date=\'Oct 17 2003, 10:48 AM\'] I live about 20 miles north of Chicago, and during certain conditions (mostly weather-related--I think [someone else here has probably got better insight]) I can pick up stations out of Milwaukee, South Bend, IN and/or Grand Rapids, MI (meanwhile, I can't get the alternate PBS affiliate out of Merrillville, IN). [/quote]
 I was always amazed by how well the South Bend stations came in my very-close-to-Lake-Michigan dorm at Northwestern, especially on warm nights.  The Fort Wayne stations and western Michigan UHF stations would also come in on occasion, but Milwaukee was tough.

Growing up in Tampa, I never had much luck with TV DXing...I think I'd only ever get Channel 6 (CBS) from Orlando and Channels 11 (CBS) and 20 (NBC) from Fort Myers, and those only when reception conditions were perfect.  (Well, I guess Channel 40 from Sarasota counted as DX reception, but it didn't "feel" like it, because it always came in well, and it had been on cable in Tampa at one point.  I took advantage of the good reception to watch MG '90.)

Although, as I understand it, Tampa's Channel 3 (PBS) is a very common DX "catch."
trainman is a man of trains

Tim L

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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2003, 12:46:40 AM »
[quote name=\'urbanpreppie05\' date=\'Oct 17 2003, 11:07 AM\']
Congrats on getting GSN, BTW - had it on my satellite service for nearly 7 years, and upon moving back with my parents, who only have cable, I can still keep up with it.

Thanks! Last week, Someone wrote on one of the posts that Time Warner of Akron/Canton was moving GSN down from Digital 105 to Analog 71 effective Monday. However, I emailed Time Warner...and they said no new channels were added or moved. Monday rolled around, I checked 71, and...nothing. Wednesday rolled around, and I tried some other channels, and lo and behold- Match Game was on channel 67!

I found this story to be interesting..y'all may not! :-) [/quote]
 It was I who gave you the bogus information..sorry about that. I had read a little something in the Canton Paper about a month ago.  I knew it was moving down from 105 to the 60's 70's area..When I typed my original post 71 was kind of a guess..I tape B&W Overnight on my Digital  Cable DVR-It caught the channel change without a hitch.  Glad you are enjoying GSN..

Tim Lones
Canton, Ohio


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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2003, 08:29:04 AM »
urbanpreppie: What do you mean for GSN there's a problem when you've seen the 1988-1989 Wheel of Fortune (or even 1997-1998 Jeopardy!, 1985-1986 Newlywed Game, 1987-1988 $100,000 Pyramid, or most recently 2001-2002 Hollywood Squares with Tom Bergeron) aired over and over again indefinatly on the cable network?


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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2003, 07:39:45 PM »
[quote name=\'cac8383\' date=\'Oct 18 2003, 12:24 AM\'] I've had GSN on analog cable channel 99 since March 2002. I used to watch it 24/7 until April 15, 2002. [/quote]
 I seriously hope your exaggerating slightly when you say 24/7.
Phil 4:13


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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2003, 07:41:38 PM »
It was I who gave you the bogus information..sorry about that. I had read a little something in the Canton Paper about a month ago. I knew it was moving down from 105 to the 60's 70's area..When I typed my original post 71 was kind of a guess..I tape B&W Overnight on my Digital Cable DVR-It caught the channel change without a hitch. Glad you are enjoying GSN..

Thanks! I never saw anything in the Beacon about it. But if it wasn't for your posting, I would have never discovered (at least this week) the joys of "All-New Let's Make a Deal" before work, and The lovely Icey on "Cram" to wrap up my long days....

I was able to see MG 90, Trivia Trap, and Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak out of Akron..

See, that was the nice thing about 23...they ALWAYS showed the ABC shows cause they couldn't afford to buy syndie shows (We did carry Combs' Feud, and from what I heard, 1,000,000 Chance of A lifetime...OT, we also carried reruns of Inspector Gadget, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Denver the Last Dinosaur, Widget the World Watcher, and T-Rex), tie all that up with "23 Newsday.."ahhh....good old WAKC-23!!!!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2003, 07:43:13 PM by urbanpreppie05 »
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Ian Wallis

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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2003, 09:18:37 AM »
and one day...don't ask me how...but I got CBS 9 from somewhere in Michigan.

Traverse City?  I remember from a trip to that area in 1977 that there was a CBS affiliate, WWTV, on Channel 9 back then.
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Ian Wallis

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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2003, 09:22:03 AM »
and numerous channels out of Canada including CKCO-10 (CBC) out of London (which was also available by an old provider here in the late 80s), TV Ontario, Global, CTV, and a French-language CBC affiliate out of Toronto.

CFPL, Channel 10, used to be the CBC affiliate in London Ontario.  Channel 10 is now an independent station, and CBC is on Channel 40.  CKCO is Channel 13 and is the CTV affiliate.  

Stange that all those Canadian stations are available on Ohio, but not listed in TVGuide.

To put this post back on game shows, Channel 10 runs "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" every night at 7 p.m.
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So I finally got GSN
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2003, 11:48:05 AM »
[quote name=\'urbanpreppie05\' date=\'Oct 19 2003, 07:41 PM\']
I was able to see MG 90, Trivia Trap, and Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak out of Akron..

See, that was the nice thing about 23...they ALWAYS showed the ABC shows cause they couldn't afford to buy syndie shows (We did carry Combs' Feud, and from what I heard, 1,000,000 Chance of A lifetime... [/quote]
 The only syndie game I remember airing on WAKC was Davidson's Pyramid, at 5:30 PM.  I don't remember WAKC carrying $1M Chance of a Lifetime.  WJW-8 in Cleveland carried just the second season, either before the CBS morning lineup or instead of The $25K Pyramid.  Combs' syndie Feud would've probably been the last half of the run, as WKYC-3 in C-town carried it for some time, from 1988 till at least 1991.