[quote name=\'TroubadourNando\' post=\'202030\' date=\'Nov 19 2008, 08:53 PM\']
IMHO, people should stop crying about Drew, he's had JUST A LITTLE OVER ONE YEAR to do things. Alex's improvement on J! is significant over his first 2 years, same for Sajak, same for Viera.
Vieira can be disputed (I'm not the only one who hates her) and both Sajak and Trebek took over much simpler formats.
I didn't like her at first either, she did not do what I thought was the greatest of jobs her first couple of years. AGAIN, it takes time for a host to get their footing (and I do believe too many shows get canned early before such can happen). I believe now, after she's done it awhile, she does rather well and has come along greatly. The viewers also tend to agree, as the ratings for the show are still good. A good enough format will hold viewers by itself, if it's good enough. TPIR is a good format (I'm sure you'd agree), so unless they got somebody of the likes of Patrick Wayne or Jimmy Kimmel, it should be able to ride most waves.
That said, a host putting in a barely acceptable first year performance then imploding on himself in his second year would be considered unacceptable in any other case.
Has this happened to Drew? I don't think so in the least. What initial case then could you be referencing?
How long do you think Bert Parks would have lasted trying to keep his head above water with the complex demands of Hollywood Squares?
Complex? You're telling me you think HS is harder to do than Jeopardy? I'd like to see most other hosts try to read 60 questions rapid fire like Trebek does in a half hour and not stumble over themselves umpteen times. Need I also remind that Trebek was also the producer for the current Jeopardy run those first few years too. If you also think that a lot of today's game show hosts don't have at least some sort of say *especially the old-timers* behind the scenes, especially at the "classic games" you're also misinformed. Being a good game show host has both on-screen and off-screen attributes...
What about Jon Bauman for that matter? Or Ross Shafer? None of them got "two to three years" to prove what they had.
Maybe it was because Bauman's format had issues of its own, people were also still worn out on MG *note Burger was a GREAT host in 98, but that flopped royally too*, and that both of your examples involve MG, which, as many know, has become so engrained with Rayburn that criticism for it NOT being Rayburn will surface *gee, that sounds familiar*. I thought Shafer was a great host though too.
I have other examples to contest too: Ray Combs *even following a host so iconic as Dawson* is fondly remembered, and looking at episodes from the 90's compared to the 80's, his style changed notably for the better, IMHO. Jack Barry was rough that first season or two of TJW, even the first bit of the syndie run too, and we saw what happened there down the road some years.
When the format is tested tried and true, as Price is, a new host will have a little more time to get settled than with a brand new format. No matter who would've been chosen, Barkerless TPIR would still be on today for its 2nd season, ratings be anyone guess, it's future also anyone's guess, but there can be no doubt that it's current state is a lot better than what most imagined it could be, and what it really could've been. If you can't thank Drew, then all that's left is the format. BUT, that would then mean, thus, the whole host debacle wouldn't be as important as so many are making it out to be then, and I don't think many would agree with that...
[quote name=\'CarShark\']Truthfully, I don't believe that for as long as I've been watching the show that the show has ever truly used the roster effectively. I thought the whole point of having 70-odd (and shrinking, for whatever reason) games was to keep the audience guessing and stop them getting bored. Before they retired Joker, Poker Game and Buy or Sell, they only played them a handful of times each year. I'm not counting Drew's first season when I say this, as some games got an earlier start than others, but I don't see why any of the pricing games (outside of GR and TP, for budget reasons) couldn't be played at least 10 times in a 36-week season. Games that I know you guys like. Bonus Game. Check-Out. Credit Card. Danger Price. Take Two. Games that have been played a lot more in the past. The fact that they aren't says to me (repeat, to me) that somebody is or was OK just sticking in a shorter, less interesting game to save a little time because "What's the difference?". Hell, they don't even bother trying to fit in a small prize game anymore.[/quote]
Sounds familiar. It all has said the same thing to me too. 100% agree. Remember that's also supposedly due to viewer demand too...