[quote name=\'TimK2003\' post=\'204633\' date=\'Dec 24 2008, 04:07 PM\']
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'204592\' date=\'Dec 24 2008, 09:29 AM\']
Suppose they enact a no-looking-into-the-audience rule. What's going to happen when a contestant forgets the rule and does look into the audience? A buzzer sounds and Drew has to explain, "Sorry, but you just looked into the audience"? If it's the first showcase, the opposing contestant basically wins because there's no one to bid closer than. Suppose they go through the motions and show the second showcase. Drew says "What do you bid?" The opponent is disqualified. "One dollar, Drew". Automatic win.
They could place a wall between the contestants' backs and the audience. That would be a less than elegant fix for a problem that's occurred just once in 36 years. Simpler to ban the Teds of the world.
Anyone know if the Povich Twenty-One booths are still around? :-)
Now there is something I'd like to see!