[quote name=\'Millionaire76\' date=\'May 21 2004, 04:06 AM\'] According to
http://www.ironchef.com/stats.htm, it says Kobe have an average of a 68 as Nakamura have a 65. Well now I can't really see the clear answer to this now. This did not include special battles in the averages. I kind of believe that site, because it showed all the proof of Nakamura's and Kobe's battles and stats.
But another site ironfans.com, agree with you and according to them, they got it out of the book too. [/quote]
As I said, ironchef.com doesn't count specials that air during the run of the series, whereas the book does, so everyone's numbers are thrown out of whack on the website. And the book only counts up to the final episode of the regular series, but DOES count specials, so those numbers aren't exactly right either, since specials have aired since the book went to print.
And as for "believing" the book vs. the site, the book also lists the original airdate, opponent, defender, theme ingredient(s), and winner of each of the 297 battles. (I used it as a reference for marking my tapes. Hey, some of you tape game shows, I taped Iron Chef.) They're both right, they're just cooking the numbers differently.
So, to use it as a question, you either a) have to be CRYSTAL clear as to what source you are using as the authority, or b) be CRYSTAL clear as to which episodes count in the standings and which don't. Both make it a weaker question, IMO.
(It is interesting to see, however, that when you lay the stats down and look at them, Morimoto isn't NEARLY the SuperChef that FoodTV has made him out to be. Of course, he was also involved in several "angles" over the run of the show that forced him to job on occasion, most notably the Kandegawa series, and the battles with the Ohta faction.)