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Author Topic: request to find Super Password eppys  (Read 3955 times)


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request to find Super Password eppys
« on: January 18, 2009, 06:52:39 AM »
Before I begin, I asked our Exec. Producer if he was cool with me posting this, and he gave me the go-ahead (with some caveats).  So please keep that in mind.   Many thanks.

A very dear friend of mine (his name is Ken Beck) appeared on Super Password episodes that aired the week of 7/13/87 (with Jonathan Prince & Emma Samms).  I do not know which day of the week he appeared, or if he appeared on more than one episode.  I am looking for these tapes for him in a ....clandestine manner.  :-)    He lost the tapes of the episode(s) many, many years ago, and lamented to me that he wished he had them.  

So: let me say that I am not a tape trader.  This is not something that I have ever done.  I WILL, however, say this: if there is anyone out there who can help me procure Ken's appearance, Matt O. has directed me to ask that you EMAIL me privately.  My private email is brentwolgamott @ aol.com (just remove the spaces).  You can also hit the email tab on the controls on this board.   I am sure that if you are able to help me with this that it would be mutually beneficial; we're ALL game show nuts here.  :-)   Ken is a gameshow nut -- he was also on BF's Hot Streak (and apparently his team won quite a bit of money) and some other show I can't remember.   He said some lady named Joyce would always call him when he had a new show and ask him to be on (he's what we think of when we think of good game show players -- good looking, clean cut, great communcation skills, and a great smile....and a total gamer).  

I do know this about Ken's Super Password episodes: he's STILL beating himself over it, because apparently on the winning puzzle, the first clue was "JET".  He told me that he thought the puzzle might be "West Side Story" but he thought that would be too gay (literally!)  LOL  So he decided to say something butch (Joe Namath, I believe *rolls eyes*).  Well, he lost control on the next password, and indeed the puzzle was WEST SIDE STORY, and some biotch he detested won when the puzzle became obvious (he never got back control).  Also, he swears that Jonathan Prince "checked him out" (yeah, there) when he sat down to play.  He swears this -- I cannot corroborate though until seeing the eppy(s).   :-)

So, if ANY NICE PERSON can help me surprise him, I would certainly be inclined to help that person in return.  Look, we're all gameshow nuts, and if any of us appeared on a show, and then lost the episode, I'd like to think we'd all step up and try and to help said person.  We're a community here, so I hope that you are understanding of the importance of this in general.  

Please email me at the appropriate address above, or through the software on this board.  It also goes to my private email.  

Regards, in advance
Brent W.


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request to find Super Password eppys
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 09:09:52 AM »
I think GSN has ran through the whole series of Super Password. For any GSN crazies out there, what season of Super Password currently airing right now? I think I recall seeing the week of Emma Samms and Jonathan Prince last year.

Don Howard

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« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 09:34:54 AM »
[quote name=\'DJDustman\' post=\'206551\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 09:09 AM\']
I think GSN has ran through the whole series of Super Password. For any GSN crazies out there, what season of Super Password currently airing right now? I think I recall seeing the week of Emma Samms and Jonathan Prince last year.
Not sure if I qualify as a "GSN crazy", but unless they've done some skipping around since starting from the beginning last March, that should put 'em at or around mid-summer 1985.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 09:35:35 AM by Don Howard »


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« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2009, 10:34:57 AM »
[quote name=\'Don Howard\' post=\'206553\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 09:34 AM\']
[quote name=\'DJDustman\' post=\'206551\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 09:09 AM\']
I think GSN has ran through the whole series of Super Password. For any GSN crazies out there, what season of Super Password currently airing right now? I think I recall seeing the week of Emma Samms and Jonathan Prince last year.
Not sure if I qualify as a "GSN crazy", but unless they've done some skipping around since starting from the beginning last March, that should put 'em at or around mid-summer 1985.

While I'm on a 25th-anniversary kick, this year marks 25 years since I met Emma at a Soap Opera Festival (when she played Holly on General Hospital for the first time) and told her that GH was off the air in Dayton (she never heard of it).

I saw Emma play Win Lose or Draw, Hollywood Squares (the 1980s version), Blackout, and the first-ever week of Celebrity J! in 1992 (when she lost to Dean Stockwell) - but not SP.

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request to find Super Password eppys
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2009, 10:48:24 AM »
Summer '85 sounds about right.  I have a lot of these on DVD, but unfortunately not the episodes you're looking for.  Maybe try the GSN boards.

Chelsea Thrasher

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« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2009, 11:00:12 AM »
[quote name=\'DJDustman\' post=\'206551\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 09:09 AM\']
For any GSN crazies out there, what season of Super Password currently airing right now?

Bert actually announced the airdate on yesterday's aired epiode: 8/2/1985. Assuming no GSN skiparounds or changes in airplay frequency, the episode(s) will run again in just under two years.

More on-topic: Checked through my episodes, and no dice. Sorry.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 12:29:59 PM by Seth Thrasher »


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request to find Super Password eppys
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2009, 11:31:50 AM »
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' post=\'206555\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 10:34 AM\']
and told her that GH was off the air in Dayton (she never heard of it).

I don't think much of America had heard of Dayton at that point.


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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2009, 01:09:25 PM »
[quote name='BrentW' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:52 AM' post='206548']
Also, he swears that Jonathan Prince "checked him out" (yeah, there) when he sat down to play.  He swears this -- I cannot corroborate though until seeing the eppy(s).   :-)

For what it's worth, according to ImDB, he was married back in 1995 and has one child.


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request to find Super Password eppys
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2009, 01:35:25 PM »
[quote name='whewfan' date='Jan 18 2009, 12:09 PM' post='206562']
[quote name='BrentW' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:52 AM' post='206548']
Also, he swears that Jonathan Prince "checked him out" (yeah, there) when he sat down to play.  He swears this -- I cannot corroborate though until seeing the eppy(s).   :-)

For what it's worth, according to ImDB, he was married back in 1995 and has one child.

Not that being married means anything.  I know lots of gay people who got married to a member of the opposite sex, either before coming out, or as a matter of "convenience" for one or both members.


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« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2009, 02:44:20 PM »
[quote name=\'geno57\' post=\'206563\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 10:35 AM\']
Not that being married means anything.  I know lots of gay people who got married to a member of the opposite sex, either before coming out, or as a matter of "convenience" for one or both members.[/quote]
While very true, I would think the "has one child" part would then be somewhat less common. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2009, 06:17:24 PM »
To Chris:  

Actually, no -- my current partner of 4 years (and counting...) fathered 2 children, both of whom are in their early twenties now.  ;-)  Being gay has less to do with what you can DO, and more to do with what you WANT.  I mean, I'm as a queer as the next, but even *I* could produce a baby the old fashioned way if I REALLY tried.  You know, think about something else, ignore your present situation, daydream....etc.  

I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS...well, interesting news:  I received this text from him yesterday.  I had gone to XANFAN's site (here:  http://www.xanfan.com/hotstreak/pictures.htm ), and THOUGHT I recognized Ken in one of the pictures of the Hot Streak page.  INDEED:

He said:

"OMB. That's too funny. Yep that's me. And the lower right two was my roommate at the time -  Ron Pagano.  Wow.  Was on for 5-7 episodes. Was also on the show Body Language. Have those tapes. Celebs were Richard Mull and Kim Fields one week and Anson Williams & Karen Kelly the next. "

and then later today he wrote me:

"  I used to have the Hot Streak and Password tapes, lost thru the years.  Interesting thing about Hot Streak, The space shuttle Challenger blew up during the airing of our episodes.  They were postponed and I can't remember if I saw them all. "

Christ, I had no idea he was on Body Language as well.  He MUST have won, otherwise he wouldn't have been on with 2 different celebs, right?

Just some tidbits...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 06:18:52 PM by BrentW »


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« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2009, 06:34:10 PM »
[quote name=\'BrentW\' post=\'206585\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 03:17 PM\']
Actually, no -- my current partner of 4 years (and counting...) fathered 2 children, both of whom are in their early twenties now.  ;-)  Being gay has less to do with what you can DO, and more to do with what you WANT.  I mean, I'm as a queer as the next, but even *I* could produce a baby the old fashioned way if I REALLY tried.  You know, think about something else, ignore your present situation, daydream....etc.[/quote]
Absolutely, and more power to you and your partner. But I gotta think that your partner's scenario and the one described above are comparatively rare.

(Now, understand that I say this as a 100% straight male, meaning I have no-desire-none-nada-zero to have sex with another man. So I am operating under the assumption that someone on the opposite end of the Kinsey scale would feel the same way about someone of the opposing gender. If I'm wrong about that, I certainly welcome the opportunity to be reeducated.)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2009, 07:31:28 PM »
[quote name=\'BrentW\' post=\'206585\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 06:17 PM\']
Christ, I had no idea he was on Body Language as well.  He MUST have won, otherwise he wouldn't have been on with 2 different celebs, right?

Actually, Body Language had a two-loss rule, so every contestant would have a chance to play with both celebrities.
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« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2009, 09:01:29 PM »
Thanks Loogaroo.  I had forgotten about that.  Although he may still have won...Unless he was on a Friday and Monday combo, double loss special (and considering he's as good at Pyramid as I am, I would find it moderately difficult to believe that he would lose TWICE in a row...but it's possible...)

Chris: not that I want to get this that far off topic, and I understand where you're coming from.  However, I do not think his situation is rare.  It is becoming RARER, but by no means is it rare.  Of my 20 or so closest friends, 7 of them have kids.    It's the whole "deny, deny, deny that you are and maybe if you get married that feeling will go away" thing.


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« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2009, 02:21:04 AM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'206588\' date=\'Jan 18 2009, 05:34 PM\']
Absolutely, and more power to you and your partner. But I gotta think that your partner's scenario and the one described above are comparatively rare.

(Now, understand that I say this as a 100% straight male, meaning I have no-desire-none-nada-zero to have sex with another man. So I am operating under the assumption that someone on the opposite end of the Kinsey scale would feel the same way about someone of the opposing gender. If I'm wrong about that, I certainly welcome the opportunity to be reeducated.)

On the opposite end of the Kinsey scale, sure!  But the Kinsey scale has lots of degrees between the two ends, and most people fall somewhere between those extremes.

I know many many many many gay people who used to be married, and fathered or gave birth to multiple children ... the old fashioned way.