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Author Topic: "$1,000,000" Password becomes "100 000 € Mot de pa  (Read 2206 times)


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"$1,000,000" Password becomes "100 000 € Mot de pa
« on: January 19, 2009, 03:20:08 PM »
While idly browsing the TiVo guide this weekend, I stumbled onto the Canadian premiere of Mot de Passe, the (European) French version of MDP. Here's an online clip to judge its faithfulness.

God, I wish this could come to Canada, although after getting Pyramide, Mot de Passe might be much too similar to be picked up.



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"$1,000,000" Password becomes "100 000 € Mot de pa
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2009, 05:22:03 PM »
[quote name=\'Blaq\' post=\'206637\' date=\'Jan 19 2009, 02:20 PM\']
While idly browsing the TiVo guide this weekend, I stumbled onto the Canadian premiere of Mot de Passe, the (European) French version of MDP. Here's an online clip to judge its faithfulness.[/quote]

The set is very close to the U.S. version--in fact, it could be exact.  I find it interesting that they intro the civilians first and then bring out the celebs--and that everyone's wearing those compact Broadway musical versions of the Janet Jackson headset mics.

That ID at the top of the clip is an ad bumper--I believe the state-owned channels in France run all ads between programs, not during them, with bumpers separating the ads from everything else (the word "Publicite" is a tipoff).


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  • Posts: 71
"$1,000,000" Password becomes "100 000 € Mot de pa
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 04:13:34 AM »
It is an ad-bumper ; and actually, the last of the day , as the state-owned channels have now stopped airing advertisements between 7pm and 6am  (and no more ads at all in the next two years - like the BBC)


The link provided shows the last episode aired , so if you want  to see the full episode featured in the clip, go there.

(Oh, and by the way :as you got Mot de Passe, could we get the second season ot Paquet Voleur on TV5 France ?  :D  )


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"$1,000,000" Password becomes "100 000 € Mot de pa
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2009, 10:16:14 PM »
[quote name=\'Setsunael\' post=\'206669\' date=\'Jan 20 2009, 04:13 AM\']
(Oh, and by the way :as you got Mot de Passe, could we get the second season ot Paquet Voleur on TV5 France ?  :D  )

Not to rub it in, but you'd love it.

As you probably know, they patched the most glaring hole in mid-season 1. (Money held by the top players, who moved on to following rounds, was irrelevant and never actually won, which meant the big money trumpeted throughout the show was actually impossible to win. They fixed it via a new bonus round, where the winner got to pick between two formats, one of which was answering a single question to earn their combined total from the game's 3 rounds.)

What you may not know is that in season 2, they further tweaked the game by adding a new "bonus" amount ($101 in the first round, $501 in the second, $1001 in the third) given to the fastest player to answer correctly on the question determining who got to draw the first disc. This amount is theirs to keep throughout the round, cannot be stolen, and is added to the amount hidden in their disc. This is an improvement: in season 1, that question was utterly irrelevant; they could've randomly determined who got to draw first, without affecting the game in any way. With the new rule, this toss-up question may become the difference between life and death for the player who answers the fastest.

It adds some strategic uncertainty (i.e. one of the drawn amounts shown on the board at the beginning of rounds one and two, is not representative of that player's actual total).

More importantly, it increases the importance of speed and knowledge vs. pure luck — by giving the best player a small bonus which can tip the balance. Although luck remains a strong factor in PV, I like this new rule. It's more fair. (This opinion courtesy of a player who answered fastest in round 1, but picked a crappy amount.) ;)