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Author Topic: Best idea for game show game for mobiles?  (Read 1913 times)


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« on: February 27, 2009, 05:12:43 PM »
So, I thought this might make an interesting discussion. I know that most folks here don't have an iPhone/iPod touch, but...

If you have or did have an iPhone/iPod touch, and you could have any game show game on the device, what would you choose? (This can and should be extended to other mobile devices as well, WinMo phones, etc.)

The game I'd most like to see is Countdown. Reasons:

-High playalong factor
-Gameplay works well with device limitations
-Easily adaptable to multi-player online play

Most importantly though, there's some sort of intangible "winner" factor going on here. I'll give examples: the Ludia TPiR game, while it does have its strengths, has a "satisfaction limitation" in that you aren't really actually winning anything. To a greater extent, this is the same reason why DoND doesn't really make a super video game on any device: you aren't winning the money, and nothing is really on the line. Millionaire is a bit more engaging because it involves knowledge of trivia.

Now, with Countdown, I would think that the game is exponentially more fun (funner) because you are playing it for the game, and you aren't really going for prizes other than the win. I think a well done, licensed version of Countdown on the App Store would sell very well - UK audience and beyond.

Are there any other games along these lines that would work well on mobiles?


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2009, 05:15:32 PM »
Lingo, because it's not as hard as Countdown. Or any of the things at FlashGames.


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2009, 05:20:23 PM »
[quote name=\'mitchgroff\' post=\'208993\' date=\'Feb 27 2009, 02:12 PM\']
The game I'd most like to see is Countdown. Reasons:

-High playalong factor
-Gameplay works well with device limitations
-Easily adaptable to multi-player online play[/quote]
Never mind this: it's a game you can play solo, too. Add in some kind of online leaderboard system and you've got a killer app. (Even then, I think users would be completely content to play against a high-score list local to their own phone.)
I think a well done, licensed version of Countdown on the App Store would sell very well - UK audience and beyond.
I have to agree, and I don't think it would even have to be licensed to succeed (aside from the fact that the Countdown rightsholders would very likely send a C&D and the app would be killed). It's such a strong game by itself that you could call it Combination or something and still make a killing (until the aforementioned C&D arrived).
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2009, 08:44:04 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'208995\' date=\'Feb 27 2009, 05:20 PM\']
I have to agree, and I don't think it would even have to be licensed to succeed (aside from the fact that the Countdown rightsholders would very likely send a C&D and the app would be killed). It's such a strong game by itself that you could call it Combination or something and still make a killing (until the aforementioned C&D arrived).
Not to further my own point, but to further my own point, even the math(s) part of Countdown, on its own, would make a very strong game. I'd play that one over and over again.

/wish I had some iPhone programming skillz


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 09:09:15 PM »
What about a TPIR mini games compilation? iPod Touch or Pocket PC's could easily spin the big wheel, play plinko, and superball would be fun.

Games that focus on pricing would be fun only if they don't repeat and prices/prizes could be updated. Then, the grocery game and check-out would be fun for a longer duration.
Don't think too hard... you might give yourself a headache.


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 03:28:35 AM »
Ya know, although I hated Card Sharks '01, Fremantle did have a playable version of Card Sharks on it's website similiar to it (with no questions, you just called cards for money until you lost and whatever you made got split into the three rows on the Money Cards). Honestly, I don't think that would be too bad for something like that. It wouldn't be totally like the classic version, but it'd be fun to play a few rounds to pass the time.


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Best idea for game show game for mobiles?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2009, 11:26:35 AM »
[quote name=\'saussage\' post=\'209024\' date=\'Feb 27 2009, 09:09 PM\']
What about a TPIR mini games compilation? iPod Touch or Pocket PC's could easily spin the big wheel, play plinko, and superball would be fun.
TPiR's already on the iPhone.