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Author Topic: Who do you think could replace Barker?  (Read 13712 times)


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2003, 10:44:33 PM »
[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'Oct 25 2003, 10:39 AM\'] For whatever my opinion is worth, I've worked closely with quite a few hosts over the years. Todd has far better empathy, grace, and ad-lib skills than anyone around today. Don't judge him entirely on his Whammy! performance; there's so much more to Todd. And for the record, he's authentic - what you see on-air is what you get. [/quote]
 Newton was a lot more restrained on "Hollywood Showdown" and he was terrific, adding life to a pretty dull show. I agree with you, Randy, I think he'd do great, as long as he realizes the show is naturally exciting and lively and doesn't need to be as artificially manic as "Whammy." You'd let him know that, wouldn't you?

The other issue is that while, yeah, Bob is the best host ever and does amazingly well at his age, his energy level used to be higher. Anyone who comes in (unless it's, heaven help us, Eubanks or Wink) might seem hopped up by comparison.


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2003, 10:51:51 PM »
[quote name=\'MyCapableAssistant\' date=\'Oct 25 2003, 09:30 PM\']

BTW, how old is Bob Eubanks? [/quote]
 He's 65, which MIGHT make him too old for Fremantle to consider. Although it was reported that similar-in-age George Hamilton's name was tossed around last year

Esoteric Eric

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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2003, 03:31:29 AM »
[quote name=\'DjohnsonCB\' date=\'Oct 25 2003, 01:48 PM\']I don't know most of the current crop of hosts, so I'll take a stab in the dark and say Billy West <snip>[/quote]

Having seen Billy in person (when he working @ WBCN-FM in Boston in the early Eighties)... (gee, how do I say this delicately?)... well, not to be discriminatory as to size, but he's so short... (MG Audience) HOW... SHORT... IS HE? (/MGA) he wouldn't stand a chance w/ one of those Samoan women who chased Barker around (to say nothing of G.L.O.W.'S Mt. Fiji, who pretended to body-slam Eubanks on that MOGSM Card Sharks clip.)

Mind you, I've always been entertained by Mr. West's humor, but I don't think Fremantle would go for somebody who'd be, like, (what, nine?) inches shorter than the average contestant, since it'd make for an awkward two-shot ((Dan Patrick) camera term (/DP).)

Esoteric Eric, with the Top Three visual pictures I had while composing this post:

3) Billy West holding the long mic Barker & Rayburn used in the Seventies (with his mic hand down around his knees)

2) Memories of ABC's old NBA coverage, with jockey-sized Chris Schenkel sharing a handheld mic on camera with his 6'10" broadcast partner Bill Russell

1) Another memory of old TV, this one of pint-sized actor/songwriter Paul Williams standing nose-to-cleavage with statuesque Julie Newmar on "The Mike Douglas Show"
Eric Smallman; "...I don't think God ever forgave me for Phyllis Newman..." - "Jimmy Carter" (Dan Aykroyd), SNL, 1976


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2003, 07:50:44 AM »
[quote name=\'Esoteric Eric\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 03:31 AM\']

1) Another memory of old TV, this one of pint-sized actor/songwriter Paul Williams standing nose-to-cleavage with statuesque Julie Newmar on "The Mike Douglas Show" [/quote]
 Or Paul Williams standing next to Richard Kiel(who was/is some two feet taller than Williams) on an episode of MG80 when both were on the panel.

Sonic Whammy

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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2003, 09:36:45 AM »
Well, the consensus that this question is a bit old is true, because this comes up at least twice a year, as far as I can tell. But I think this time, the question seems a little warranted because of two significant changes that have been taking place almost right on top of each other.

1) Rod Roddy's health battles - and these personally hit me hard because of his ties to Press Your Luck. Rod, God bless you always for all the years I've gotten to wake up to your welcoming voice.

2) The Price Is Right stage show in Reno - a first of its kind, I would assume, yes? A perfect training ground for the prince to prepare his ascension to the throne.

Which basically leads me to believe that it is going to be VERY difficult for Todd Newton to NOT be the #1 contender right now. He has unquestionably been the fastest growing game show personality in recent years, and his personality has been so adaptable that it just works for everything he's done in entertainment. They wouldn't choose him for the stage show if they didn't have that much trust in him. And I get a feeling that it could and should lead to something more...

As a closing thought. To you, Randy West, you seem to be the one destined to ascend the announcing podium. You said the first time that you wanted to salute the original: Johnny Olsen, in your stint. Just do us one favor: If you are the new man, make sure Johnny lives on... and make sure Rod does, too.

Stay Way Past Cool!

Brian Sapinski
The Sonic Whammy
Host of Net Press Your Luck
Brian Sapinski

Just Brian Sapinski... for now

Jimmy Owen

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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2003, 09:36:58 AM »
What about Paul Williams standing next to comic writer Pat McCormick in the Smokey & the Bandit movies?  Of course, Pat is remembered for his appearances on Goodson-Todman's "Don Rickles Show" of the 1968-69 season. Remembered only by me, perhaps, but remembered.  How about Paul Williams as host of TPIR?  No wait, he already did host the show in 1994. (Doug Davidson's Y&R character is named Paul Williams)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2003, 09:46:15 AM by Jimmy Owen »
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2003, 11:43:03 AM »
I always thought Chuck Woolery would be a good host for TPIR?  However, there are many on here who are more "in the know" about various TV personalities?  What do you think?


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2003, 07:08:32 PM »
[quote name=\'gaubster2\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 11:43 AM\'] I always thought Chuck Woolery would be a good host for TPIR?  However, there are many on here who are more "in the know" about various TV personalities?  What do you think? [/quote]
 Chuck is in his 60s. As much as we'd like to see Fremantle pick someone with a lot of game show experience like WOolery, EUbanks, Martindale, Geoff Edwards, etc.(Geoff would really come close to Barker's greatness hosting TPIR I think), they're more likely to pick someone in their 30s or 40s with lesser game show experience than they are a 30-year GS veteran like the ones mentioned above.

I'll bring another younger name into the mix besides the ones mentioned: George Gray.


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2003, 07:31:22 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Oct 25 2003, 08:14 PM\'][quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' date=\'Oct 25 2003, 09:11 PM\']FWIW, my guess is either Brad Garrett or Doug Davidson, only because they're both already on the CBS payroll.[/quote]
Davidson won't get the gig for the same reason Osmond and Bergeron (if he wanted it) won't.

They rely on cue cards. (Bergeron to a lesser extent)[/quote]
However, if Bergeron can do a show like "Breakfast Time" sans cue cards, TelePrompters or IFBs--and at least once tear up the rundown sheet on camera--he can handle "TPIR," if he wants to--but he doesn't.


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2003, 07:55:57 PM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 08:08 PM\']I'll bring another younger name into the mix besides the ones mentioned: George Gray.[/quote]
Regardless of how nice of a guy George is, he would be too smart-alecy (is that a word?) for Price.

I've heard Michael Burger shows up at TPIR a lot. He was at the Vegas show and Barker promenade unveiling.

Remember that Barker gained experience on games because he started with so few and slowly added more over the years. Teaching somebody 60+ games from scratch will be tough, regardless of how much experience he has.

Tom Kennedy had years of game show experience under his belt, and he only needed to learn 20 or so games, and at times, he seemed lost. Remember that his version was almost exactly the same as the CBS version except cut to 1/2 hr w/3 games and no showcase showdown.

Now do you think this version failed because viewers had enough Price and didn't want anymore or because viewers refused to accept anyone else in the role except Barker?

Then again Dennis James had a good run but most casual fans would not even remember that.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2003, 07:57:31 PM by cmjb13 »
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2003, 08:14:26 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 07:55 PM\']
Tom Kennedy had years of game show experience under his belt, and he only needed to learn 20 or so games, and at times, he seemed lost. Remember that his version was almost exactly the same as the CBS version except cut to 1/2 hr w/3 games and no showcase showdown.

Now do you think this version failed because viewers had enough Price and didn't want anymore or because viewers refused to accept anyone else in the role except Barker?

I think Barker not being there(and to a lesser degree, Johnny Olson passing away during the show's run) had a bit to do with the show's failure. Also, the show had less-than-great time slots, either against WOF or the then-growing J! in some cities, and in NYC had the wonderful time slot of 2:30AM on WNBC. SYndicated game shows with a late night time slot in NYC(TPIR Kennedy ,Crosswits 1986, Strike it Rich 1986, Wipeout, New Liars' Club, Relatively Speaking, TTD90, TJW90, etc.) virtually never make it past that season. Anyone recall any such shows that did? I certainly can't.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2003, 08:17:42 PM by zachhoran »


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2003, 08:24:55 PM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 09:14 PM\'] Also, the show had less-than-great time slots, either against WOF or the then-growing J! in some cities, and in NYC had the wonderful time slot of 2:30AM on WNBC. SHows with a late night time slot in NYC virtually never make it past that season. [/quote]
Which makes me wonder why they even did the show with that timeslot, especially in one of the biggest markets. Unless, it was in a better timeslot originally, drew poorly, and was then moved.

Remember, as a general rule, if people like something enough, they will go out of their way to see it. VCR's were common back then, so not taping it, if people wanted to see it, doesn't hold water.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2003, 08:26:02 PM by cmjb13 »
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2003, 08:30:03 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 08:24 PM\'] [quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 09:14 PM\'] Also, the show had less-than-great time slots, either against WOF or the then-growing J! in some cities, and in NYC had the wonderful time slot of 2:30AM on WNBC. SHows with a late night time slot in NYC virtually never make it past that season. [/quote]
Which makes me wonder why they even did the show with that timeslot, especially in one of the biggest markets. Unless, it was in a better timeslot originally, drew poorly, and was then moved.
 Kennedy TPIR always was on at 2:30AM in NYC(3:30AM on Fri/early Sat. to make room for Friday Night Videos I guess)


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2003, 08:31:10 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 08:24 PM\'][quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Oct 26 2003, 09:14 PM\'] Also, the show had less-than-great time slots, either against WOF or the then-growing J! in some cities, and in NYC had the wonderful time slot of 2:30AM on WNBC. SHows with a late night time slot in NYC virtually never make it past that season. [/quote]
Which makes me wonder why they even did the show with that timeslot, especially in one of the biggest markets. Unless, it was in a better timeslot originally, drew poorly, and was then moved.[/quote]
The hope that another show would bomb out and the station would bring the show out of overnight hell and let it shine in the new time slot.  Usually didn't work.

Nowadays, the combination of infomercials and a lot fewer game shows means that shows buried in the middle of the night happens extremely infrequently.


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Who do you think could replace Barker?
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2003, 09:08:10 PM »
Zach Horan wrote:
SYndicated game shows with a late night time slot in NYC(TPIR Kennedy ,Crosswits 1986, Strike it Rich 1986, Wipeout, New Liars' Club, Relatively Speaking, TTD90, TJW90, etc.) virtually never make it past that season. Anyone recall any such shows that did? I certainly can't.

Street Smarts?

It's currently on at 4AM on WPIX-11, and I haven't seen it in the DirecTV on-screen guide at any reasonable time over the past two years that I've had DirecTV.
-- Ted Schuerzinger, now blogging at <a href=\"http://justacineast.blogspot.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://justacineast.blogspot.com/[/url]

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