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Author Topic: "Stu's Show"  (Read 2100 times)


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"Stu's Show"
« on: May 12, 2009, 06:15:12 PM »
Slightly off-topic, but Wink Martindale and Geoff Edwards, as some, if not many, know, were Los Angeles radio DJ's in addition to being game show hosts; during the 1970's, The Winker and Geoff worked together at the old Gene Autry/Golden West Broadcasting-owned KMPC-710 in L.A., which is now ABC-owned ESPN Radio 710.  They will be talking about their radio days Wed. 5/13 at 7 pm Eastern/4 Pacific during Stu Shostak's live 2-hr. show on Shokus Internet Radio.

www.shokusradio.com [live webcast]

www.live365.com/stations/shokus/schedule/?site=pro [schedule listing]

No podcasts, unfortunately, but it will be replayed in that time slot every night for the week ahead.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 06:15:57 PM by byrd62 »


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  • ......and it goes like this!!!
"Stu's Show"
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 07:49:53 PM »
Not to sound rude, but Tammy beat ya.

That said, the extra heads-up is always nice....
This space intentionally left blank, until the part of my brain responsible for humor decides to function again.