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Author Topic: My GSN Live Experience  (Read 4882 times)


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My GSN Live Experience
« on: May 02, 2009, 10:38:49 PM »
On the off chance someone might be interested, I thought I'd share details of my trip out to LA on the dime of Game Show Network. The method by which I won the trip was well detailed in this thread.

For starters, they put us up for three nights at the Soiftel LA which was a damn posh luxury hotel located on the corner of La Cienega and Beverly Blvd. It was at 8555 Beverly, a hop, skip and jump from TV City (which I only drove past on this trip). This was my first trip out of the immediate Michigan surrounding area, and my first time(s) on a plane no less, so apologies if I spooge over some minor details. The bill for the room was over $1,000 for the entirety of the stay.

By the way, it seems a midwesterner is incapable of pronouncing La Cienega correctly on the first try.

I'll jump to the GSN part. The studios were less than 10 miles away from Sofitel, but it took about 30 minutes to get there. A strange phenomenon for a Michigan boy. The winners of the contest had a parking space reserved for them right in front of the entrance, so it made my lateness a non-issue. From what I could tell, this was the very same building they'd always used (as seen in TV promos) but devoid of any outdoor GSN signage. As I was driving in (at 10:38 AM Pacific for a 10:30 talent call) Fred Roggin was walking in. I said hi to him, and he gave me the "who the hell are you" smile. It was a funny way to start my visit. I was told several times they were getting set to move the offices and studio to a new location soon.

Right when you walk in, the place is littered with GSN Live props. A lot of the bygone signage from the games decorate the walls. I was whisked into hair and makeup real quickly, where Fred was getting setup. We got acquainted while he was getting his last few touches. The quirky wardrobe lady assessed everything I brought to assign me one TV-friendly outfit. Fred did whatever he could to make me comfortable, and said I could even make jokes at his expense. We were to be TV buddies that day. I then made a joke about getting papers in my travel dossier about "not bringing up the XFL." He promptly told me it was one of his best jobs ever, as he basically made himself a sideline reporter, and got paid for two years, even though it lasted for one. Go figure!

I had a friendly chat with Alfonso Ribeiro as any part of skin that would make it on camera was getting the orange treatment. With my outfit picked, I was taken to the studio to do our first pre-tapes.

Pre-tapes you say!?! Yeah, I guess I should've figured this out on my own, but the better part of GSN Live is taped. Everything but the games, Fred's cut-in from the other studio, and the opening segment is on tape. The first things we did were the interstitials for hour 2 (IIRC). GSN Live actually has a script to work off of, but Fred largely ignores it.

The studios for GSN Live are very small. They're practically the size of the real-life rooms they purport to be. Internally, the original GSN Live set is the "classic set", and the new one is called the fringe set. Sony flat screens are all over the offices. While we weren't shooting, Fred and Alfonso were on their cell phones a lot. Fred was showing me which Facebook friends he was accepting during a break. We got to talk a lot throughout the day, and he gave me some career advice. A lot of the people there seemed to like me, and the crew was very fun to work with.

I know this is already long, but I want to share some of the interesting details. All the marks on the floor are old tape marks from the various celebrity guests who have hosted or appeared on GSN Live. So it's a bizarre walk of fame, as I got to "step on" Carnie Wilson, Richard Karn and others. Everybody was very inviting; I got to wander wherever I wanted to. Props from GSN promos pepper the offices upstairs; one producer has the Whammy costume to keep him company. The guy running the tape library was more than happy to show me around. They have the music to literally every GSN production lying around on DAT tapes - or gasp and horror, 1/2 inchers. Just funny to see the music package for Decades or Burt Luddin staring you in the face. This tape library was small, and held only the stuff currently running. I thought they had the Reg Grundy series "Time Machine" for some odd reason, but that was just their distinction to show if a particular show was sped-up or not.

David Schwartz's office is right across from this library, with the title "screener." When I was walking by, he was watching episodes of Jeopardy. I stopped him in the hall and had a little chat. "I know you from your book!" to which he quickly cut-in, "my out of print book."

Each game on GSN Live is rehearsed in the few minutes before it "goes live." One game involved a wheel that I was told at least five times not to spin too hard, as it wasn't particularly tight and would spin for the whole segment if I pulled too hard. In three practice spins, I got the right touch. On camera, not so much. I am so not a clutch spinner.

I've gone on FAR too long already, so I'll merely answer questions or chime back in as I remember things. I was given another gift bag of GSN swag on my way out, and the promise of a DVD copy of my own appearance. Fred cares a lot about the show, and was talking with some higher ups about the amount of calls and web traffic the show generates. They were also talking about the not-yet-broken news of Howie Mandel hosting the Game Show Awards. It was just weird to be in a building where one co-worker asked another about Super Password, and both likely had outside social lives. I kid.

Anyway, it was an amazing experience - one I'll never forget. This was the true prize for winning that contest.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 10:42:23 PM »
Excellent story. Thanks for sharing.

Sounds like it was a pleasant experience.


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 10:48:06 PM »
[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'214755\' date=\'May 2 2009, 10:38 PM\']I've gone on FAR too long already[/quote]Psh. I wish you'd have written about three times as much. I know I did with my MDP one. Superfluity is not a bad thing in cases such as this!

Great read. If you have anything else you remember, I'm sure no one will mind an edit. Congrats once again. You did well, definitely better than anyone else they had lined up that week.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 10:52:19 PM by chad1m »


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 10:50:31 PM »

I happened to be home watching the day you were on, much to my surprise.  I don't venture into the GSN forum too often.  You did quite well.

GSN with the Sofitel digs...I'm impressed.  Don't get used to that "10 miles in 30 minutes" thing, it can be much longer than that!  :)

Cool story, and thanks for sharing.  Congrats on the experience of a lifetime for a gameshow-type guy.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 10:51:15 PM by ClockGameJohn »


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 02:04:26 AM »
I love it!  Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us.


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 02:32:45 AM »
[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'214755\' date=\'May 2 2009, 07:38 PM\']
and my first time(s) on a plane no less,[/quote]
This I actually find really interesting. How do you go so long never having been on a plane? I think my first plane trip, I was...six? How did you feel about the whole experience?
By the way, it seems a midwesterner is incapable of pronouncing La Cienega correctly on the first try.
Hell, I'm a California native with four years of middle- and high-school Spanish under my belt and I'm not sure *I* can pronounce it correctly. :)
I'll jump to the GSN part. The studios were less than 10 miles away from Sofitel, but it took about 30 minutes to get there. A strange phenomenon for a Michigan boy.
I'll say. You made good time.
I then made a joke about getting papers in my travel dossier about "not bringing up the XFL."
I'd have made jokes about his curling coverage. But then I'm a bastard like that. :)

Seriously, I would be completely content to read your musings on this whole experience in as much detail and for as long as you wished to write them. Completely fascinating.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2009, 10:20:41 AM »
I think I was Jason's age when I first flew, and I haven't since (not out of fear - it just hasn't come up).


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2009, 10:34:35 AM »
Great stuff, Jason! Thank you for sharing. Like the others, I would love to hear more. Congrats again!

aaron sica

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« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2009, 12:41:35 PM »
I haven't flown since 1998, when I took a "puddle jumper" to Cleveland and back for GSC8. Things have changed in the air travel world *a lot* since then.


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2009, 01:54:34 PM »
Excellent story! I love reading threads like yours (Chad's MDP experience comes to mind as well), because it shows the stuff you never see on camera. I think it's one reason I always enjoy the contestant recollections.

Again, great story and nice work!
"It wasn't like this on Tic Tac Dough...Wink never gave a damn!"


  • Executive Producer
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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2009, 08:22:30 PM »
Oh, you're too kind Game Show Forum. Going through the Facebook photos, I've had a chance to remember a few things.

I walked out of the building carrying all the signage with my name on it, as well as a stack of GSN Live blue cards. They get put in a bin after the hosts are done using them, so the printed out game material can be unglued, and the hard card stock recycled. I figured they wouldn't miss 5 of them :) There were also some Newlywed Game cards heading to the recycling bin, so I swiped a couple of those. The ones I found were pink, and rounded on the edge, so they may have been used on GSN Live rather than the show itself. One is blank, the other has an answer on it, and they both have the e-harmony.com tag on the lower third.

I also have two copies of my "script" as well as Heidi's script. I may scan some of this in when I have time. The scripts (for some reason) give the ARP of the prizes involved. The trip I helped give away was worth $1400.

The guy taking still photos for GSN publicity had the 2nd generation logo on his lapel. When we got to talking later, he mentioned he still wears clothes with Winnie on them.

Naturally, I got a photo with the ceramic dalmatian that resides on the classic set. As you might have guessed, the doors on that set lead to nowhere in particular. The books on the shelf are whatever they could find, and range from 20-year-old discarded library books to manuals on how to program using Flash.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2009, 08:27:15 PM »
[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'214824\' date=\'May 3 2009, 08:22 PM\']I also have two copies of my "script" as well as Heidi's script. I may scan some of this in when I have time.[/quote]Please do. That'd be a neat thing to see.


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2009, 10:25:31 PM »
What a delightful story!  A pleasure to read!

What really amazes me is that you had your first plane ride and drove in LA traffic!  Wow!  Bold, very bold. ;)

Thank you JasonA1 for sharing with us.


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2009, 10:25:36 PM »
[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'214824\' date=\'May 3 2009, 05:22 PM\']
and range from 20-year-old discarded library books to manuals on how to program using Flash.[/quote]
This explains a lot. Someone needs to run those down the hall to their web devs. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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My GSN Live Experience
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2009, 11:03:58 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'214778\' date=\'May 3 2009, 02:32 AM\']
How do you go so long never having been on a plane? I think my first plane trip, I was...six? How did you feel about the whole experience?[/quote]

How do you go so long? You just...don't go. My family never did purely pleasure vacations. My dad was out of college when I was a couple years old. All of our trips were by car.

The experience itself? I was very curious just to see what going through security was like, what takeoffs are like, etc. Outside of the takeoff and landing, it felt like riding a chartered bus. It was a very pleasant trip - got to see the Rockies and the Grand Canyon from up high. Detroit may not look nice on the ground, but lit up at night from your plane? Not so bad. :) I learned the hard way about what to have in your pockets at various times through security, but other than that, no hassles. I'm sure if I had to go through it every other week or something for business, I'd be frustrated with it like everybody else seemed to be.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck