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Author Topic: NEW PYRAMID CASTING.  (Read 68517 times)


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« Reply #120 on: June 17, 2009, 09:24:53 AM »
They tried that in 2002. It failed.
Just because they did it wrong the last time, that doesn't mean that modern can't work with someone that knows what they are doing.

[quote name=\'catnap1972\' post=\'218233\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 08:48 AM\']Yeah I agree...what we really need is 6 celebrities and a winner's nook, and other good stuff like that!  Oh and a set with girders and laptops and strobe lights (LOTS of strobe lights!)--mustn't forget those![/quote]
Yes...sarcasm. Brilliant. Let's immediately tie "modern" to something not well liked (the Pyramid pilots, Donnymid), and try to shut down any dissenting viewpoints instead of having an honest, forthright conversation about whether the show would benefit more from a modern set than a retro one. Wheel and J!, IMO, have done a good job of being current by taking advantage of the latest technology and constantly reworking their set so it doesn't seem stale. TPIR hasn't for the most part. Clock Game and Bonus Game still have their original sets, for the most part. Those should be redone entirely. Some of the 80s games (One Away, Pathfinder) look like they could use a second-gen set, as well.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 09:29:46 AM by CarShark »


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« Reply #121 on: June 17, 2009, 09:40:29 AM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'218232\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 08:37 AM\'][quote name=\'CarShark\' post=\'218219\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 12:25 AM\']I just feel meh about the set. It feels too much like a retro retread. Instead of a clean sheet of paper, they used a stencil and tracing paper.[/quote]
Honestly, I find it to be a great 21st Century update, that seems to be a homage to the familiar Ed Flesh set. It's no different than what Feud did for Combs and O'Hurley.

'It's good, but I'd like it more if they just stopped with the constant anchoring to the past once and for all and just went modern.'
They tried that in 2002. It failed.

/Okay, the actual show was pretty bad too.

Ed Flesh by way of [1970's CBS-New York set designer] Jim Ryan's original Pyramid design.


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« Reply #122 on: June 17, 2009, 10:27:55 AM »
If this is the finished product of the set and rules, I am perfectly fine with it.  I will have to schedule my first trip to NYC and audition!  I sure hope that CBS picks this show up!!


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« Reply #123 on: June 17, 2009, 10:49:13 AM »
[quote name=\'byrd62\' post=\'218236\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 09:40 AM\']Ed Flesh by way of [1970's CBS-New York set designer] Jim Ryan's original Pyramid design.[/quote]
Good point. Flesh's set had a few throwbacks to the New York era (i.e. the triangular brackets on either side of the Winner's Circle). He updated it quite well for the 1980s, just like this new set has done for the 2000s (2010s?).

They tried that in 2002. It failed.
Just because they did it wrong the last time, that doesn't mean that modern can't work with someone that knows what they are doing.
Where did I say it would never work? You said they should be more modern with the design, and I merely pointed out that Donnymid's efforts to be modern, both in aesthetics and gameplay, didn't work. I would think that it goes without saying that someone who knows what they're doing could pull off a competent revival.

By all means, they could've went completely modern without using steel girders and plasma monitors all over the place. But, I like that a classic game show isn't afraid to use a few classic elements in their execution. Adds a level of...I dunno "warmth" to the cold, sterile envrionment I saw on Donnymid.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #124 on: June 17, 2009, 11:38:45 AM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'218239\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 10:49 AM\']Where did I say it would never work? You said they should be more modern with the design, and I merely pointed out that Donnymid's efforts to be modern, both in aesthetics and gameplay, didn't work. I would think that it goes without saying that someone who knows what they're doing could pull off a competent revival.[/quote]The short, snarky nature of your comment made me think it was another "modern=teh suck" comment from the game show community. As someone who prefers more modern things in game shows, it gets tiresome to see it used as a four-letter word.

By all means, they could've went completely modern without using steel girders and plasma monitors all over the place. But, I like that a classic game show isn't afraid to use a few classic elements in their execution. Adds a level of...I dunno "warmth" to the cold, sterile envrionment I saw on Donnymid.
It just comes across as gimmicky and awkward to me, like the use of the Combs theme on the most recent incarnation of Feud.

Mr. Game Show

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« Reply #125 on: June 17, 2009, 11:41:28 AM »
Hi Everyone !

Just a quick heads up.....

My Nephew was supposed to attend todays tapings, but recieved a phone call saying today's tapings were canceled and changed to Friday at 3 pm.  

I'm curious if they plan to use a different host on Friday, or plan to use Tim Vincent again.


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« Reply #126 on: June 17, 2009, 11:46:53 AM »
[quote name=\'CarShark\' post=\'218242\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 11:38 AM\']The short, snarky nature of your comment made me think it was another "modern=teh suck" comment from the game show community. As someone who prefers more modern things in game shows, it gets tiresome to see it used as a four-letter word.[/quote]
My comment was not intended as either short or snarky. Again, it was just me making the point that modern doesn't always work. In the case of Donnymid, I felt they tried too hard to force the drama with a dark set, taking a cue from Millionaire. On Pyramid, the drama should build itself.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #127 on: June 17, 2009, 11:50:33 AM »
Based on what I have seen, a great update and reference to the $25K/$100K format.  I love the few modernized changes, but what is best, is how they kept it similar to the classic set.

I hope that Pyramid is indeed "back".  Just think, with a great revivial, Osmond's version won't even be a memory any more.
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Jeremy Nelson

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« Reply #128 on: June 17, 2009, 12:00:30 PM »
[quote name=\'carshark\']Wheel and J!, IMO, have done a good job of being current by taking advantage of the latest technology and constantly reworking their set so it doesn't seem stale. TPIR hasn't for the most part. Clock Game and Bonus Game still have their original sets, for the most part. Those should be redone entirely. Some of the 80s games (One Away, Pathfinder) look like they could use a second-gen set, as well.[/quote]
I agree- People seem to identify with what's familiar- Wheel and J!, although drastically different looking than 20 years ago, still have the same sound effects, logos, and hosts. Wheel has slowly eased viewers into new changes so it's not as much of a shock. Price really hasn't done much changing, and at times does date itself, but it's an exception, because the show has been stuck in this cheesy 1970s time warp for years, and that's partly why some people love it. As far as redoing some of the pricing games, keep dreaming- I can only think of 5 games that have had major overhauls (Pick a Pair, Check Out, Danger Price, Any Number, Money Game).

Love the new Pyramid set, and the fact that the score monitors are still using the vane display font from the 80s scoreboards. With a set that small, I see why they used moving set pieces, and it looks like it works pretty well. I'm quite optimistic.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 12:30:06 PM by rollercoaster87 »
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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« Reply #129 on: June 17, 2009, 12:12:22 PM »
[quote name=\'rollercoaster87\' post=\'218248\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 12:00 PM\']I agree- People seem to identify with what's familiar- Wheel and J!, although drastically different looking than 20 years ago, still have the same sound effects, logos, and hosts. Wheel has slowly eased viewers into new changes so it's not as much of a shock. Price really hasn't done much changing, and at times does date itself, but it's an exception, because the show has been stuck in this cheesy 1970s time warp for years, and that's partly why some people love it.[/quote]
Ummm...actually I said that. Anyways, I've been one to say that slowly changing things would be the way to go, and to TPIR's credit, I think they are presenting trips better than ever when they take the time to add scenery to the monitors. Much better than those 20-old-static paintings and the 'What am I playing for?' green screens. They should use more dynamic images, though, like they did when the gc's were there. That was the best part.

Tony Peters

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« Reply #130 on: June 17, 2009, 12:45:14 PM »
If this goes to air, I will gladly consume a dish of Culinary Expert Chris Lemon's crow.

\PLEASE pick this up CBS!
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Clay Zambo

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« Reply #131 on: June 17, 2009, 12:59:41 PM »
[quote name=\'Mr. Game Show\' post=\'218244\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 11:41 AM\']Hi Everyone !

Just a quick heads up.....

My Nephew was supposed to attend todays tapings, but recieved a phone call saying today's tapings were canceled and changed to Friday at 3 pm.  

I'm curious if they plan to use a different host on Friday, or plan to use Tim Vincent again.[/quote]

Now, there's great news!  I think I shall try to get tix.  Thanks for the heads-up.


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« Reply #132 on: June 17, 2009, 01:05:01 PM »
[quote name=\'Mr. Game Show\' post=\'218244\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 11:41 AM\']Hi Everyone !I'm curious if they plan to use a different host on Friday, or plan to use Tim Vincent again.[/quote]Carrie from About Game Shows says that a different host is planned for the subsequent taping(s).

Clay Zambo

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« Reply #133 on: June 17, 2009, 01:10:19 PM »
[quote name=\'MitchJoseph2004\' post=\'218192\' date=\'Jun 16 2009, 08:59 PM\']From what I could figure out was that the 1st trip was $25,000.... 2nd was for and additional $50,000. Returning champs - I think - a contestant won both times in taping 1, was back in taping 2 and Tim mentioned she had already taken home a big amount. How to get the million? The players are trying to earn a spot in the "League of Champions" to compete in a million dollar touney.[/quote]

Well, in pilot ep 1, which was taped at 11:30 (by which I mean pretty close to 1:15), both contestants were said to be "returning"; they had "earned," respectively, $12K and $13K.  Which, considering there's only $2150 max on offer in the WC for a contestant who doesn't run the table, is either ambitious or miscalculated.  And I'm not sure how you'd end up with two returning players who've both won that much unless you were in a tournament, and Tim didn't indicate that was the case.  I know this was a pilot and the contestants were in land-of-play-money, but that seemed like a mis-speak.

I couldn't tell if the WC was played for $25K in game 1 and $50K in game 2 regardless of who wins, or if (as would make more sense to me) the $50K only comes into play if you get into the WC both times.

Tim's Mis-Speak Line of the Day, though, was something like this: in the sixth category of a front game, he said to the team about to play, "All right, you need four to tie and three to win."  Everybody did a neck-snap double-take, the audience (led by Ms. Rhea) had a good laugh, and Tim corrected himself.

Aside from that sort of thing, he might not have been as smooth as he'd be several months into a run, but he was a fine MC.


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« Reply #134 on: June 17, 2009, 01:29:59 PM »
[quote name=\'Clay Zambo\' post=\'218256\' date=\'Jun 17 2009, 01:10 PM\']I couldn't tell if the WC was played for $25K in game 1 and $50K in game 2 regardless of who wins, or if (as would make more sense to me) the $50K only comes into play if you get into the WC both times.[/quote]

During the second set of shows, that final episode featured a first-time trip to the Winners Circle the second round. That contestant was playing for $25K, so it sounds like it is dependent on if it is the contestant's first or second trip in the circle and the $50K comes in to play if you make it in the WC both times.