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Game Show (and OT) FACT or FICTION 3

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--- Quote --- (10) From Justin to Kelly will be the biggest movie bomb on this side of The Real Cancun.
FACT  This already looks like grade-A, number one, USDA Choice CRAP.  I still can't believe these two nincompoops actually agreed to this slop.
--- End quote ---

They didn't have much of a choice.  19 and Fremantle run their professional lives for now, and if they said \"you're making a movie,\" Kelly and Sideshow--uh, I mean Justin have to jump.  I guess that they will lose some of the shackles as of this fall, but if you make it into \"Idol\"'s final 10, you have to be prepared to follow 19 and Fremantle's bidding for at least a year.


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