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Game Show (and OT) FACT or FICTION 3

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OK, here's my take on two of these:

--- Quote ---(7) Should Rod Roddy be unable to continue his anouncing duties on TPiR, Randy West will be chosen as the permanent replacement.
--- End quote ---

Yes, if the above is the case, I think Randy would be a terrific choice. Of course, knowing Fremangle.....

--- Quote ---(10) From Justin to Kelly will be the biggest movie bomb on this side of The Real Cancun.
--- End quote ---

This year, it'll probably be the biggest bomb. All-time, though? Probably not. My pick for worst movie bomb of all time? \"Santa With Muscles\" (or any Hulk Hogan movie for that matter.) Whether it's \"Suburban Commando\", \"No Holds Barred\" or any other movie Hogan has starred in over the years, they've all tanked at the box office. You haven't lived until you've seen what a HORRIBLE actor Hogan is on the big screen.

Betcha some suckers will go see \"FJTK\" just because of the American Idol thing, though.


(1) Bob Barker will go ahead and host The Price is Right until the contract expires.

Um, yeah -- unless he dies.

(1) Bob Barker will go ahead and host The Price is Right until the contract expires.
FACT: He'll host it until HE expires!
(2) Another Game Show Week will take place on Hollywood Squares' final season. (I do not know if it has been confirmed, thus my reason for posting it here.)
FICTION: I didn't see that big a hike in ratings. Been there, done that. Tho it was great and I'd like to see it again.
(3) With the success of Big Bucks: The Press Your Luck Scandal, GSN will produce more documentaries within the next year and a half.
FACT. But fewer and fewer as time goes on.
(4) If Allen Ludden were alive, he would have been tapped to host Super Password instead of Bert Convy.
(5) Jim Perry is still with us.
FICTION. Was he ever with us?
(6) Drew Carey was the right choice to host Pepsi's Play for a Billion.
FICTION. Maybe 2 years ago.
(7) (I hope this is true) Should Rod Roddy be unable to continue his anouncing duties on TPiR, Randy West will be chosen as the permanent replacement.
FICTION. But he could replace Burton Richardson.
(8) Another format alteration will be made on Wheel of Fortune this fall.
FACT. They always tweak.
(9) Within the next decade, Password will return in some form.
FICTION, dammit.
Finally, Off Topic FACT or FICTION:
(10) From Justin to Kelly will be the biggest movie bomb on this side of The Real Cancun.
Have at it my friends, and enjoy!

The Inquisitive One


1. Fact- Barker is TPIR, and TPIR is Barker. No question he's going to host until TPIR is canned (heaven forbid) or he passes away (heaven forbid, as well)

2. Unfortunately, Fiction- Not much of a ratings pull. Those 5 eps were good.

3. Fact- Prepare for GSN to become GSDN

4. Fact- He IS Password. If he were still alive, and he wasn't chosen for the job of Super Password, something at Goodson HQ must have gone horribly wrong.

5. Fact- He lives on a farm in Oregon with his former X-wife.

6. Fiction- I just can't see Drew Carey hosting a game show in my head, it's impossible.

7. Fiction- I MUCH prefer Randy West over Burton Richardson in about everything in life in general, however I think Burton has the job, unfortunately.

8. Fact- No contest there

9. Fact- But it will be very Fremantleised and screwed up, and be canned within 3 weeks.

10. Never seen either of the movies (and probably with good reason) so I'll just say fact

Game Show Man:
(1) Bob Barker will go ahead and host The Price is Right until the contract expires.


(2) Another Game Show Week will take place on Hollywood Squares' final season. (I do not know if it has been confirmed, thus my reason for posting it here.)


(3) With the success of Big Bucks: The Press Your Luck Scandal, GSN will produce more documentaries within the next year and a half.

FACT (at least I hope it is).

(4) If Allen Ludden were alive, he would have been tapped to host Super Password instead of Bert Convy.

FACT.  I still think Password Plus was the best version of the series based primarily on Allen's influence.

(5) Jim Perry is still with us.

Undisputed FACT.  In fact, IIRC, his wife, June, posted to the Daily Ping (a popular general blog site) after one of the operators wrote a Card Sharks article.  Apparently, Jim and June are now living in Florida.

(6) Drew Carey was the right choice to host Pepsi's Play for a Billion.

FICTION.  Drew was great on Whose Line is it Anyway?, but frankly, I think a REAL game show host should have been given the opportunity to make that kind of payoff (which they'll never make).

(7) (I hope this is true) Should Rod Roddy be unable to continue his anouncing duties on TPiR, Randy West will be chosen as the permanent replacement.

FACT.  Much as I like Burton Richardson, I think that Bob, Roger D and Phil R.  will pick Our Man West to take the announcer's slot.

(8) Another format alteration will be made on Wheel of Fortune this fall.


(9) Within the next decade, Password will return in some form.

FACT.    Someone has to get the message...hopefully, they'll use my revival format (and MAYBE let me host it?).

Finally, Off Topic FACT or FICTION:

(10) From Justin to Kelly will be the biggest movie bomb on this side of The Real Cancun.

FACT  This already looks like grade-A, number one, USDA Choice CRAP.  I still can't believe these two nincompoops actually agreed to this slop.

\"Game Show Man\" Joe Van Ginkel


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