YEah, but I think it's better to have it out there. Of course, I don't know exactly what "this huge project" is. If he knows someone with the power to turn my half-baked ideas into reality, he could do better than my futile/feeble workings of 25 Words or Less and Farkle. For sure.
well to be honest i don't know anyone i live in a small town about 90 or so miles away from cleveland basically in amish country. i know no one in game show world i'm just a game show fan and would like to see more ideas out there from people much smarter than me when it comes to game show ideas. i have never had a orignal idea in my head.
so TLEberle you ideas will be safe. i do not wish to sell anything that you come up with the same goes for all of you i just want to see some ideas so i can see what good ideas from good minds look like.
and maybe i made a poor choice of words. the idea was for people to send me ideas to archive for me to read and enjoy. the reason for this is because i have been on many a game show website that i haven't visited probably since 2004 or so and am shocked and deeply saddened to see proposals taken off these websites for fear of being bought out by a major media conglomerate.

so if you would like to help a fellow game show fan who would just like to see some ideas from people that have an extremely huge amount of talent like i know many of you had years ago (i know i used to vist game show forums and see game show ideas out the wazoo) please be my guest
and to the one who responded to this request with an idea you can send me the pdf to my e-mail that will be just fine
i mean i'm 21 and i'm a telemarketer the only thing i sell is what they tell me to sell at my job and by god no will ever ever ever ever ever get their paws on anyone's ideas they would have to take these ideas like charlton heston said FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS !!!!!!!!