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Author Topic: need help on big project  (Read 8395 times)


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« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2009, 05:26:12 AM »
Well then, let's use some logic here:

If we wanted those ideas to remain readily available, we wouldn't have taken them down, and he wouldn't have had to resort to using the Wayback Machine to find them.

However noble or innocent his intentions may be, the fact is that I took down my proposals for a reason: I didn't want people using them without my permission. This constitutes such an act, whether or not they're actually being produced. (And even if he's not producing them, who's to stop someone else from stealing the ideas from his archive and producing them?)

This is just a really bad idea all the way around. If he is "mearly (sic) a game show fan", then he'll do the right thing and honor the wishes of those of us who don't want ideas we removed from our websites republished.
You're in a room. You're wearing a silly hat.
There are letters on the floor. They spell "NOPE".


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« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2009, 06:09:55 AM »
How the post got through in the first place...but anyhow...

If any of my old shit ended up in your "archive", I'd like it zapped.
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2009, 07:02:53 AM »
[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'221191\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 06:09 AM\']How the post got through in the first place...[/quote]Mods let some slip through for us to enjoy, wince at or, in this case, rip a new one.


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« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2009, 09:27:01 AM »
[quote name=\'Loogaroo\' post=\'221190\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 02:26 AM\']This is just a really bad idea all the way around. If he is "mearly (sic) a game show fan", then he'll do the right thing and honor the wishes of those of us who don't want ideas we removed from our websites republished.[/quote]
I don't disagree in the least. All I am going on is his statement that this is a "project" of some kind, and that it very clearly involves the use of IP that does not belong to him.

Now, this "project" could be a mahogany cabinet in which he will store this thumb drive filled to busting with old game-show concept gold. But I suspect it's a little more public-facing than that. And if that is so, and he's already gotten this far and his "hey, morally, if not legally, this is a really bad idea" alarm hasn't gone off, then I doubt that requests for deletion are going to be given a lot of attention.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2009, 03:22:03 PM »
Why is anyone here worried about this?  If anyone out there on this board (other than me) really has any idea of what they're doing when creating a television show, they would've never put their idea out there for all to see in the first place...

Don Howard

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« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2009, 04:15:33 PM »
[quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221187\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 01:08 AM\']i'm a telemarketer[/quote]
Please stop calling me. I'm on a Do Not Call list. And yet, the calls keep coming. Cease now! Bless you.
Back to topic, I'll send you my proposal for Drinking For Dollars. Heck, if you can get it to series, you're a better man that I am. I couldn't even get it on an access channel in a college town. Perhaps it was the bare breasts. If nothing else, we had a helluva good time filming the pilot. Good ole Michelob.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 04:16:51 PM by Don Howard »


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« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2009, 04:44:45 PM »
[quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221187\' date=\'Jul 26 2009, 10:08 PM\']whaargarbl[/quote]
Oh. My. God.

/people actually admit to being a telemarketer?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 04:44:58 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2009, 05:28:01 PM »
[quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221187\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 12:08 AM\']and maybe i made a poor choice of words. the idea was for people to send me ideas to archive for me  to read and enjoy. the reason for this is because i have been on many a game show website that i haven't visited probably since 2004 or so and am shocked and deeply saddened to see proposals taken off these websites for fear of being bought out by a major media conglomerate.:([/quote]

Oh, believe me, if a major media conglomerate wanted to "buy me out", I'd be looking for the dotted line to sign on. No, the fear is that the major media conglomerate you speak of would simply take something they've read and make gobs of money on it without so much as saying they plucked it off of some kid's website. Granted, we're all very skeptical that any of our ideas are good enough to be worth stealing - the three ideas of mine which might have a snowball's chance have already been produced and published, either on YouTube or in a computer game format, so there's at least evidence of it existing prior to the NBC/Endemol show hosted by Richard Jeni. But if someone were to take a proposal of ours and use it, then we want a piece of the pie.

i mean i'm 21 and i'm a telemarketer the only thing i sell is what they tell me to sell at my job and by god no will ever ever ever ever ever get their paws  on anyone's ideas they would have to take these ideas like charlton heston said FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS !!!!!!!!

Even if the person who wants to take them is the person who wrote them?
You're in a room. You're wearing a silly hat.
There are letters on the floor. They spell "NOPE".


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« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2009, 09:37:14 PM »
[quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221187\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 12:08 AM\']and to the one who responded to this request with an idea you can send me the pdf to my e-mail that will be just fine[/quote]
OK, I sent them.  Let me know what you think though, OK?  Don't just file them away and never read them.  I spent a lot of time on them and want them to be around for posterity, if nothing else.


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« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2009, 10:35:15 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'221248\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 03:44 PM\'][quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221187\' date=\'Jul 26 2009, 10:08 PM\']whaargarbl[/quote]
Oh. My. God.

/people actually admit to being a telemarketer?


Did we just have our first use of whaargarbl?

/would rather see SA's "Words words words" emoticon myself.


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« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2009, 10:39:13 PM »
[quote name=\'Don Howard\' post=\'221245\' date=\'Jul 27 2009, 04:15 PM\']Back to topic, I'll send you my proposal for Drinking For Dollars. Heck, if you can get it to series, you're a better man that I am. I couldn't even get it on an access channel in a college town. Perhaps it was the bare breasts.[/quote]
I don't think anybody wants you see you topless....  :-p
-- Ted Schuerzinger, now blogging at <a href=\"http://justacineast.blogspot.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://justacineast.blogspot.com/[/url]

No Fark slashes were harmed in the making of this post


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« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2009, 09:42:35 PM »
I have about two dozen ideas (eight different concepts with three variations each). Unfortunately, they're in PDF format. Can I contribute them in that format, or do I need to type them in Word?

yes you can just send them to me i will accept pdfs word documents any thing

now come on fellas if you are just gonna rag on me for just wanting to see some  ideas then i will just take my business elsewhere :(

i mean you took them down because they might get stolen

look all i have is a flash drive with some game show music power points for class and game show ideas and i keep it in a secret place where no one even knows where it is

(heck even by brother doesn't know where it is) i mean come one whats someone going to do ideas that live in a po-dunk amish town in the country who the closest thing he gets to a game show production company is the frematle logo at the end of the price is right after its done broadcasting.

please quit harassing me. i only wanted some game show idea because i can't find any on the net and some of the sites that have them on the wayback machine have some that is not archived. all I'm asking for is a little cooperation is that so much to ask :(

i mean its bad enough i have to deal with the stress at work it is worse when people just make fun of you because of a simple request :(
(sobbing) please all i want is a little cooperation thats all i ask

:( :( :( :( :( :(


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« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2009, 05:02:20 PM »
[quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221697\' date=\'Aug 1 2009, 09:42 PM\']Bob Loblaw, Esq.[/quote]

This quickly went from "I have this big giant project" to "I'm just a kid who wants to save game show ideas, and yes, I'd like some cheese with my whine." Look, kid. Collecting ideas is fine, but respecting the wishes of people whose ideas you're stealing for whatever the reason is the bigger issue here. If I was dead and you had my game show idea, there'd be nothing stopping you from saving it on your precious little LaCie. I'm not, and neither are the people here. Your project is nothing more than a squirrel hiding nuts away for the winter. You've made it out to be something much bigger and now you're getting bitten in the ass.

Sympathy? I'm all out.

ETA: Also, why do you want these game show ideas? Just to read? I think your motives are also in question.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 05:05:51 PM by pacdude »


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« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2009, 05:13:57 PM »
[quote name=\'pacdude\' post=\'221728\' date=\'Aug 2 2009, 05:02 PM\'][quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221697\' date=\'Aug 1 2009, 09:42 PM\']Bob Loblaw, Esq.[/quote]
Sympathy? I'm all out.

ETA: Also, why do you want these game show ideas? Just to read? I think your motives are also in question.

I also think that adding to the suspicion is the fact that he has a total of 18 posts on the forum. I can not even imagine wanting the ideas just for the sake of having them and looking at them. It smells quite suspicious.


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« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2009, 05:28:57 PM »
[quote name=\'gamenut\' post=\'221697\' date=\'Aug 1 2009, 06:42 PM\']now come on fellas if you are just gonna rag on me for just wanting to see some  ideas then i will just take my business elsewhere :([/quote]
You vastly overestimate the interest in your "business."
all I'm asking for is a little cooperation is that so much to ask :(
The point in all of this is: yes, it is.
[quote name=\'Timsterino\' post=\'221730\' date=\'Aug 2 2009, 02:13 PM\']I can not even imagine wanting the ideas just for the sake of having them and looking at them.[/quote]
Are you new here? Have you SEEN some of the people who come through here? :)

Honestly, I'm with Cory. I think this is a dude who wanted to make his collecting habit sound a lot more important than it really is, not realizing that in doing so it made his (probably fairly innocent) request look a LOT more nefarious. If he's just come in and said "Hey, I like reading these, would people please send theirs to me," he might still have been told to go pound sand, but I don't think it would have been to the level that it was here.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 05:33:26 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe