[quote name=\'MyronMMeyer\' post=\'221909\' date=\'Aug 4 2009, 02:04 PM\']Is there a judge, or does Victoria have the final say as to whether a team is right or wrong?
Yes, me

That said, Victoria is pretty good at picking up the intricacies of the questions and knows when something's good enough or not.
Generally, we give the host the licence to run it as she sees fit, and then if either myself or the series producer will call a stop tape at the end of a question if we feel something's gone wrong and - if necessary - retake the scene to ensure the correct outcome (this has only happened once in 2 series). Although it has never happened, if a solution is spoilered due to a harsh judging decision, a replacement question (from about 12 spares we have on file) will be substituted in.
We do try to pre-empt likely borderline cases and put those on the question script and the host screen, as described above.
For completeness, the contestants have the opportunity to appeal immediately if they feel any judging situation has been unfair, and the series producer, exec producer and myself take a view on what's fair.
Given the complexity of the subject material and the enormous minefield of clever alternative answers that might be possible, I'm amazed the game works at all!